
August 29

Shea continues to eat well and grow like a weed. His 2 month old doctor visit is next week. I purchased and assembled a brand new crib for Shea yesterday.

It's that time of year again. Daphne has a nasty cold and is a mucus machine. She looked at me last night and said, "Excuse me Daddy, I need to go vomit now..." Poor little baby. She refers to the downstairs sink in the half bath as the "vomit sink".

Here are some new photos from this weekend:

Shea's new crib...

Shea seems to like his crib

I can almost roll over!

Class clown Daphne

Daphne is a silly goose

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


August 24

Happy Anniversary to Jennie and me! We celebrated 14 years of marriage yesterday.

Shea's room is slowly coming along. Jennie has organized all of his clothing and has a pretty good idea how we will decorate his room in the upcoming months. We have still not bought Shea a crib. I suppose we will break down and buy it this weekend.

Shea is growing fast. I stood on the scale with him and without him this past weekend. The difference was 7.2 pounds. Yay! He is over 7 pounds now and is well on his way to catching up with Daphne.

Notice anything new about this blog? Yep, I finally updated the header at the top. I will be playing around with it in the next few weeks and should get newer photos integrated as time passes.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

August 17

Daphne occasionally mentions how she wants "to be bald, just like Daddy". Yesterday, she experienced her first ever haircut in 3 1/2 years of life. Well, she's not bald but they did trim a few inches off the length.

NOTE: I am currently working on a new banner for this blog. I have been told by a few different people that the current photo is way out of date and needs to include Shea as well.

Here are some new photos:

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


August 15

We had a busy weekend chock full of family and friends. We appreciate all the visitors to meet Shea. Here are some new photos of Shea & Daphne:

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


August 9

Shea is one month old today! He weighed in at 6 pounds 0 ounces last Friday (a gain of 9 ounces in 10 days). The doctor said if Shea gains approximately an ounce per day, he would be pleased.

My Mom flew home last night after graciously helping us around the house for a week. I know Jennie is going to miss the extra hands with a crazy Daphne running around the house...

Here are some new photos of Daphne & Shea:

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


August 4

Shea returns to the doctor tomorrow for a routine check up and weigh in.
We are crossing our fingers that he's gaining weight...

Here are some new photos: (many more to come on my Facebook profile)

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.