
January 31

Jennie's 12th week of pregnancy is underway. The bouts of nausea are still hanging around, but it does not seem to be nearly as bad as it was a few weeks ago. Tomorrow is her final injection of estradiol valerate in the booty. Yay!

Daphne keeps asking us daily when her birthday party will take place. Jennie & I should be mailing out Daphne's birthday party invitations this week (hopefully). Daphne's party is scheduled for Saturday, February 26th in the afternoon.

I have lots of new Daphne photos and video to post here (if I can ever set aside some free time at night).

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


January 25

As Jennie enters her 11th week of pregnancy, her nausea and morning sickness have increased exponentially. She had very little (if any) morning sickness with Daphne, but this second baby is giving her more than she can handle. Simply talking about dirty dishes in the kitchen or gross smells is enough to make Jennie gag...

10th week ultrasound

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


January 20

Today, Jennie had a routine doctor visit (ultrasound, bloodwork, etc).

Here are the stats from today's exam:
  • Baby XYZ is 33.9mm in length
  • Baby XYZ has a 189 bpm heart rate
  • A very small subchorionic hemorrhage is present (this is found in 33% of patients)
  • Jennie is considered 10 weeks, 1 day pregnant

The doctor assured Jennie that the baby appears healthy and normal.

Her next doctor visit is in 1 - 2 weeks to have an iron level check, vitamin D level check, and a measurement for the nuchal fold.

Her next ultrasound is at 20 weeks (that's when we find out the baby's sex).

I will post today's ultrasound photos tonight...

More to come,
Dave T.


January 19

I rushed Jennie to the Emergency Room last night at 7pm. We arrived home just before 2am this morning.

The baby appears fine, but poor Jennie has a bladder infection and is in extreme pain.

More to come...

Dave T.

January 12

Jennie's 9th week ultrasound appointment was yesterday.

Baby XYZ has grown to a whopping 21.4mm (up from 6.5mm at Jennie's last visit). The heart rate of the fetus was 179 beats per minute (doctor wanted it to be between 170 and 200 for healthy development).

Jennie noticed that the ultrasonographer notated "venous lakes" on her chart. The doctor did not raise this as a concern and believes the baby is doing well.

The next ultrasound appointment is currently scheduled for January 26th, but Jennie is going to try to move it up if her OBGYN has availability.

More to come,
Dave T.


January 4

Happy New Year!

Jennie will be 8 weeks pregnant on Thursday. Her next two ultrasounds occur during the 9th and 11th weeks. The end of March or early April seems like forever away to find out if we are having a brother or sister for Daphne.

If you ask Daphne, she does not have a preference for a brother or sister. But, she has asked for Mommy to deliver five babies.

Last night, Jennie went out on the town with her girlfriends to celebrate a friend's birthday, eat a nice dinner, and watch a movie. I used her time away to have a Daddy/daughter date with Daphne.

Once Daphne woke up from her late afternoon nap, I got her dressed and brushed her frizzy bed-head. I can't seem to master the art of pigtails, so Daphne's hair was a little crazy.

The night began with a kid's meal at our local Chik-Fil-A. Daphne loves "Chick-uh-lay" as she calls it. How can you go wrong with chicken fingers and an over-sized play area for kids?

After half an hour of going down slides and crawling through tunnels, Daphne had the play place to herself. "Daddy, I (grunt grunt) need to (grunt grunt) go poo poo", cried Daphne. Uh oh! She was high above me in an area I could not reach. I bargained and pleaded with Daphne to come down and use the big girl potty.

Finally, bulging diaper and all, Daphne decided to venture down the slide headfirst on her belly. Wouldn't you know? My diaper bag that I carefully packed did not have any wipes. Hmmm...

I grabbed a diaper with one hand and Daphne with the other. Luckily, the back stall of the restroom had one of those fold down diaper changing stations. How can such a petite little princess produce that much shoo shoo when she eats so little? Imagine a stubborn three year old kicking and flailing her legs with pounds of poo dangling from her tush. I bet I used half a roll of toilet paper to clean her hiney.

Needless to say, I felt obligated to give Daphne a bath when we got home. Donning fresh pajamas, we snuggled on the couch to an episode or two of Richard Scarry's Busytown.

As Daphne's eyelids became more heavy and the yawns were plentiful, I carried her upstairs and softly told her a few "Daphne Rose Tilson" stories at her request. She's always the protagonist of her stories (e.g., Princess Daphne slays evil monsters while finding a chest of magic beans, she serves a giant birthday cake to a gracious duck-duck, and rescues a family of birds or fish while operating a runaway train or building a skyscraper out of scrap materials. Phew!) Zzz... goodnight Daphne!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.