
February 23 (15 weeks pregnant)

Where do I begin? So much has happened in the last two or three days...

On Monday afternoon, my final living Grandparent passed away. My maternal grandmother was placed in quarantine at the nursing home with pneumonia and had suffered another stroke recently. She is in a much better place now.

Yesterday morning around 4:15am, Jennie woke up to heavy bleeding and cramping. Naturally, we thought she was having a miscarriage. Her subchorionic hemorrhage has grown like a large dam holding back a river of blood. Well, the dam broke and it is devastating.

We spent many hours seeing doctors, having ultrasounds, and running tests to make sure our unborn child is still viable. We learned that 1 in 4 pregnancies experience some sort of bleeding. In fact, Jennie experienced various amounts of bleeding during her pregnancy with Daphne all the way up to 16 weeks.

Jennie has been ordered to be on strict bed rest for the next week. The doctor assured us that Jennie did nothing wrong to cause the bleeding and it appears more frequently in IVF pregnancies (for unknown reasons).

This weekend is Daphne's 3 year old birthday party on Saturday. Jennie will have to sit or recline for the party and cannot do any sort of housework. I did not want to deny Daphne of her yearly celebration, so I am cleaning the house at every opportunity. Instead of making Daphne's cake and treats, all food items will be catered.

GOOD NEWS: The baby appears healthy and is growing with no amniotic fluid loss.

BAD NEWS: Jennie may or may not continue bleeding and the subchorionic hemorrhage is being closely monitored biweekly or sooner if it increases.

More to come,
Dave T.


February 21

Jennie reaches her 15th week of pregnancy this Wednesday.

Nothing new to report.

Daphne is enjoying her Mother's Day Out every Tuesday and Thursday. Mommy gets a much needed break from her crazy baby.

New photos of Daphne coming soon,
Dave T.

February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!

On this 14th day of February, Jennie begins her 14th week of pregnancy. She is waiting to hear back from her doctor's office regarding the date of her next appointment. It's either late this week or early next week for the next routine visit.

Here are some new photos of Daphne from this weekend:

"Look Mommy, I'm diggin' for gold!" ~ Daphne

"Mommy said I could have a tiny sip..." ~ Daphne

Just a swingin'

"Watch this trick, Daddy!" ~ Daphne

"Hello, can you hear me?" ~ Daphne

"Cheese!" ~ Daphne

"I'm exercisin'" ~ Daphne

All tuckered out

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 8

Playing air guitar in Mommy's shoes...

Daphne loves her cousin Josh

"Look Mimi, I'm exercisin'..."

"I'm all toddled up, Mommy" (swaddled)

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 4 (12 weeks pregnant)

Jennie has an ultrasound and some routine blood work testing this morning. She is still vomiting multiple times per day and nausea is making her life miserable.

Daphne has been accepted to a Mother's Day Out program at a local Presbyterian church. I am unsure when Daphne begins attending, but it will give Jennie a much needed five hours of peace and quiet occurring two days a week.

AFTERNOON UPDATE: Jennie just called and said that everything went well. The baby's nuchal fold measurement was normal. I believe she said the baby's heart rate was in the 170s and the baby's length today was approximately 55m (or 2.165 inches). I will verify tonight after work.

More updates later,
Dave T.