
September 16

Earlier in the week, the restaurant Chili's was having one of their regular "Kids Eat Free" promotions. Daphne exerted her independence and blurted, "Daddy, I want to order for myself." She told the waitress with no hesitation, "I want cheese pizza, fries, and Sprite". Nothing like eating healthy, eh? She continued to tell the waitress about her finger paint kit and "Cake-Muh Station" (PlayDoh cake making station). Daphne can talk non-stop to anyone for hours (if they let her).

Last night Daphne told me she does not like boys. I reminded her that I am a boy, but she shook her head stating, "Daddy, you are old and bald. I love you. You are not a boy." Hmm, she got me there...

Here are some new photos of Shea resting on the couch:

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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