
March 16 (18 weeks pregnant)

Last Thursday, I came down with a mild case of the flu. Or, at least that's what the doctor tells me. Friday began with nausea, dizziness, dry cough, body aches, and a low grade fever. I had a fever for four consecutive days topping out at 102.7 on Saturday and tailing off Monday evening at 99.5 degrees.

The good news: I feel 100% better and other than my occasional cough, I cannot complain.

The bad news: Jennie is fevered and coming down with the sickness.

Daphne has almost recovered from a common cold with ear infections. I pray she does not catch the dreaded flu bug.

Today, Jennie has a routine OB exam and she returns to the specialist next week to evaluate her subchorionic hemorrhages. We will find out soon if we are having another princess or a bouncing baby boy.

Dave T.

1 comment:

18 weeks pregnant said...

I am sorry to hear about it, but I would be honestly glad to see U healthy and i cant wait to hear...anymore bad from you..Hope you get well soon..