
March 9 (17 weeks pregnant)

Jennie felt the baby kick for the first time late last night. Until now, it has been easy to confuse stomach rumbling (or gas) with baby kicks.

She had a specialist appointment yesterday afternoon to monitor her subchorionic hemorrhages. Another ultrasound was performed and all appears fine with the baby's development. Jennie has been ordered to more bed rest for the next week or so.

Daphne refers to the "baby in Mommy's belly" as Baby Max. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the cartoon Max & Ruby, but it is funny. If we find out that we are having another girl, Baby Max might need to become Maxine. She originally wanted the new baby to have the name Daphne. We told her that might be a little confusing and she replied, "huh?"

More to come,
Dave T.

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