Today is Shea's two month old doctor visit. He will be weighed, given a few routine immunizations, and evaluated by the doctor. Stay tuned for more details...
UPDATE: (11:10am CST)Shea weighs 8 pounds 4 ounces! Wow!!! And, his length is now 20 1/2 inches. I looked back to see what Daphne's 2 month old vitals were and found that she was 10 pounds 5 ounces and 22 inches long. But, keep in mind that Daphne was born just shy of 38 weeks and Shea was born at 34 weeks (so an apples-to-apples comparison is somewhat misleading).
Daphne's nightly tantrums and disagreeable nature has gotten worse over the last month. Between 4 and 8 pm, I swear she grows horns and turns into devil spawn. Well, maybe she's just being a typical 3 year old? She can be so sweet during the night like when she calls out for me to help her potty at 3am. "I love you, Daddy. Why don't you stay home from work and play with me today?" or "Daddy, you are my very best friend ever!"
Shea is gaining incredible neck control and losing the "wobbly head" typically found in infants. He still cries a lot, but honestly nowhere near as much boohooing as Daphne. Shea seems to spit up easier than Daphne (unless my memory does not serve).
By the time Daphne was two months old, I had snapped somewhere close to 4,500 photos of her. With our day to day activity busier than ever, poor little Shea has only been photographed about 100 times. Sorry if my photos appear uncomposed and rushed lately, but here are some new pictures of the kiddos nevertheless:
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Oh my, I can't believe how big Shea has gotten. He really looks like a big boy now and not a tiny baby. I can't wait to see him. Tell Daphne that grandma will be there on the 12th of Oct. to spend some time with her. We will have to go for that walk around the neighborhood. I'm counting down the days! Love you all. Good Job Jennie!
Shea is growing so fast you may need to get him a dog to keep up with him.... hope everyone is well. Your Fake Dad
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