
June 8

Nearly two years ago, Daphne and her stillborn sibling (blastocyst) were implanted inside of Jennie. Moments before the lengthy catheter precisely placed Daphne, I was invited to peep into a high power microscope to view our minuscule blastocysts. I never want to forget the details of our lengthy IVF procedure and all of the daily shots in Jennie's rump -- it seems like only yesterday I was fainting regularly. In a few more months, Jennie and I will consider another implantation. Maybe Daphne will have a little brother or sister from our remaining frozen embryos?

Here are some photos of Daphne taken over the past weekend:

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

1 comment:

Lizz said...

I am so glad you guys are considering another baby! I know A has wished for a sibling of some sort off and on nearly his whole life. Take care and the best of luck to you all!