
August 6

Jennie and I began the day with a routine, semi-annual dental cleaning. Grammy entertained Daphne while our chompers were polished. Our little daffodil behaved beautifully as we shopped and ran errands for several hours in the afternoon.

After supper tonight, Jennie noticed that Daphne can *almost* sit up by herself (without falling over). I don't want to be one of those "my kid is so advanced" parents, but developmentally, she is a few weeks early. hehehe

I relaxed this evening by repairing a broken watch. I will spare you the boring details, but let's just say I could be a watchmaker once I retire from computer programming! I am hoping (assuming) arthritis is not in my future...

Daphne will be 23 weeks old this Friday. She can nearly crawl, almost sit up by herself, almost has her first tooth, and can almost say, "da da". It will not be too much longer until she's all grown up and looking for a hubby.

Stat of the day: We have taken 1,471 photos of Daphne since February 29th. A whopping 1.73 gigabytes of still images and over 90 minutes of video are ready to be archived.

Daphne in a familiar pose

Daphne enjoys eating her feet!

Daphne often tries to eat the book during story time...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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