
May 20

Daphne visits her doctor tomorrow for a minor check up. Remember a few months ago when she had a heart murmur detected? The doctor believed it to be a normal, developmental closure in process. If all goes well tomorrow, the doctor will proclaim her murmur has vanished and he will not pursue any further action with a cardiologist. Keep your fingers and toes crossed!

Unfortunately, Daphne has lost a little weight (nearly 7% of her total body weight). It's quite puzzling to us. Although she eats like a hungry little piggy, our bathroom scale displays a mere 20.2 pounds when Daphne steps onto it. On a positive note, Daphne (aka "the lean green bean") has added a few inches of height since her birthday. She appears completely happy and healthy, so no worries!

My Mom celebrated her 39th birthday for the 19th time on Monday. I find it hard to grasp I will be 37 later this year. Well, I suppose old man Davey needs to get some beauty sleep...

New photos of Daphne coming soon.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


Lizz said...

Dave- If I had to guess about the weight loss, I'd say it is because she is climbing and so very mobile now. She probably only rarely stops during the day, and this makes keeping weight on a toddler difficult. I see this alot in the babies I see for the State as well as Aiden when he was a tot.
Fingers are crossed on the Dr visit tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

ur mom looks awesome for 39...
i myself ,,, willl be 29 ..forever....