Happy 143rd Anniversary (in months) to Jennie and me! Next month on this day, Jennie and I celebrate 12 years of marriage. Wow! Where does all the time go?
Many apologies for my recent blog slacking. As you know, I work all day, race home to play with Daphne, and after she's asleep, I spend large amounts of time Twitter'ing and Facebook'ing until bedtime. And sometimes, I even find a wee bit of time to do chores!
Jennie and I have decided to look for a bigger house (in a nicer neighborhood). After all, what better way to take our mind off of getting pregnant? We figured that a move before baby #2 arrives would be smarter than waiting to move a family of four (especially if the fourth has colic). Plus, seven gunshots were fired a few streets over from our house the other night -- nothing says, "let's move out of the ghetto" like a good ole drive by shooting! How can I raise a child in good conscience here?
Tonight was the Skate of the Union Address at the Sommet Center in downtown Nashville. I was unable to attend, but I understand a lot of great things were said about the future of the Predators hockey team. It was basically a way to get folks out to the arena, fill them up on free food, sell them tickets to next year's games, and pump everyone up about the upcoming season. Players walked around freely signing autographs and Steve Sullivan's Masterton Trophy was on display, too.
Oh well, I need to drift off to sleepy land...
More photos of Daphne coming soon!
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
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