
January 31

Daphne desperately wanted to play in the snow this weekend, but we had to veto the idea as she is battling another cold. Even if she were healthy, Jennie pointed out that none of Daphne's pants are waterproof. So, it became an easy decision to stay inside and play. She has many years left to make snow angels, eat snow, and sled down an embankment on a garbage can lid.

Today I cleared the snow and ice off of my driveway with a puny garden hoe. There are no words to describe how much my back aches! Unfortunately, I never replaced my shovel last autumn (I removed the stump of an old dying shrub and broke my shovel).

Other than the blizzard of 2003 (6-7 inches), this was the largest, most impressive snowfall I have seen in Nashville. Accumulation measured somewhere between 4 and 5 inches of the white stuff.

Note to self: I must buy a new shovel!

Here are a few photos of the 2010 blizzard:

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


January 27

Daphne attends her weekly music class each Tuesday and her weekly Zoo babies class begins next Wednesday. When I get home from work, she loves to tell me about her day (lots of random words wedged between a wee bit of gibberish, but it's cute).

Here are some new photos of Daphne (playing with bags, showing a terrible two tantrum, and trying her first Fudgesicle):

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


January 24

Daphne strives to be self sufficient and independent in everything she does. I suppose her behavior is typical for a two year old. "No, I do it!", "My get it", "On me, on me", and "My turn" are several phrases heard often in our household. Lately, the only way to get Daphne to eat is to let her feed herself. Swiping the spoon from my grasp, "I hold it, Daddy", says Daphne. We insist that Daphne uses proper etiquette (thanking, excusing, and welcoming folks) in social situations and so far, so good.

Quote of the Day: "Muffy make poopy gas!" ~ Daphne, speaking of herself in the third person, during her bath tonight.

Washing the rubber ducky...

All done!

It's potty time!

I've worked up an appetite!

Daphne the Bag Lady

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


January 21

Daphne decided she wanted to visit Mimi's house (maternal grandma) last night after supper. So, she darted to her room and retrieved her "purse" (a small, hand-me-down pocket change keeper with a zipper). Reaching for the front door without wearing a coat or shoes, Daphne dismissed me with a "bye bye, Daddy. Going to Mimi's house. Walk walk." I asked her what time she would be home and how she planned on getting there. Needless to say, we were once again playing with her toys and reading books just a few minutes later.

Yesterday, Jennie left Daphne alone for 2 - 3 minutes tops while working on house chores. Hmmm, Daphne is being awfully quiet thought Jennie. Lo and behold, Daphne had managed to get herself into our master bathroom's garden tub and was "bathing" her rubber duckies with Mommy's numerous lotions and carefully brushing them with a foot file. I'll post those photos tonight.

More stories coming soon...
Dave T.


January 19

Insert witty anecdotes and Daphne stories here... (I'll update this tonight. I wanted to share some photos first and foremost)

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


January 15

MAJOR MILESTONE: Daphne can now say her name! As I reported on Facebook, she calls herself, "muff-knee". Not bad, eh?

Since our house has not had any movement whatsoever in weeks, we have decided to neutralize the wall colors of our living room with fresh paint. I personally believe we are grasping at straws and will do anything to sell it.

While Jennie waited on the Home Depot paint guy to finish mixing our paint, Daphne and I imitated penguins and plodded up the paint aisle side-to-side last night. Wouldn't you know, Daphne led me straight to the "potty" department. She anxiously flushed each toilet even though there was no water in the bowl. "Swoosh", I chortled as I simulated a toilet flushing. Daphne wanted to get in and dance inside several of the bath tubs, too.

Next, we strolled over to the kitchen appliances. Daphne had to open each and every refrigerator door. "Fridge-um", she cried. Then, the dials on the gas ranges were fully turned by her little fingers. She said, "Daddy, beep beep beep. Food ready."

Finally, we returned to the front of the store to find Mommy. Daphne carefully pointed out numerous items of interest (some of which she did not know, but she gave them a gibberish name). Daphne impressed a Home Depot employee as she pointed to a warning sign and read, "S, T, O, P. Stop". I was so proud!

I have a bunch of new photos to filter through this evening. Check back for some new pics!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


January 12

I guess my New Year's resolution to blog more will not be coming true! hehe

Oh well, I will keep the new photos coming nevertheless...

Over the weekend, Jennie's parents graciously volunteered to babysit Daphne one afternoon. So, Jennie & I had a date to the movie theater to see "Sherlock Holmes". What a great movie! Unfortunately, I can count the number of times in the last decade I have been out to a movie on one hand. Don't get me wrong, I adore the greasy popcorn in the over-sized tub and the sticky muck of the aisle ways as much as the next guy. But, chores and grown up stuff usually seems to supersede a casual trip to the theater.

Daphne insists on three things daily: blueberries, a bath, and sherbet! While we carefully try to give her a balanced diet of meat & veggies, she loves a large spoonful of rainbow sherbet before a warm bath.

When Daphne sneezes, she blesses herself. "Bess you", she exclaims. She even thanks herself and delivers a "your welcome" while she pretends to cook. What a ham!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

January 5

As promised earlier, here are some new photos of Daphne celebrating the New Year holiday weekend at my Dad's house, eating her first peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and modeling some cool sunglasses & adult sized leather gloves:

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.