
May 29 - Day 19 of IVF

As of today, we are officially one third of the way through this IVF process (19 out of 56 days) and we haven't even begun the hard stuff yet. Jennie is becoming a real pro at giving herself shots and never utters a complaint.

Yesterday we had a great time visiting friends down in Murfreesboro for a cookout. While fifteen people showed up to eat burgers, hotdogs, and enjoy the nice weather, only five stayed until the end of the hockey game.

Jennie & I got home a little before 11pm and went straight to bed. We were pretty exhausted from all the activities of the long weekend. Our puppy dog (Maggie) slept over at my in-laws and hopefully didn't terrorize their dog, Copper.

Just 9 days until Jennie's first big office visit (Suppression check). After that, she will have several visits per week (Estradiol level checks & routine Ultrasounds).

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! Regarding my link of the day below, can we send Jack Bauer (TV Show: 24) over to assassinate the leaders of China? :)

LINK OF THE DAY: China creating Viruses & Malware; readying for war against the world

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts!