
October 29

Happy Birthday to Jennie! I won't disclose her age, but it rhymes with "dirty-jive". hehehe

We are celebrating her birthday tonight with our first ever, baby-less dinner date (Grammy & Grampy volunteered to babysit for the duration of the meal). This will be the first time in 8 months where we are not passing back and forth a fussy Daphne while the other "wolfs" down their meal as quickly as humanly possible. I forgot what chewing your food feels like... it seems we are now conditioned to inhale food and move on. Don't get me wrong, we would not trade Daphne for anything in the world, but she is a high maintenance, little princess (and has me wrapped around her finger).

Finally, my guest bathroom tiling project is finished! Today I attached the baseboards with a high-pressure finishing-nail gun and re-seated the toilet on the closet flange with a new wax ring. Can you believe it took me a whopping 6 weeks to tile my 70 square foot guest bathroom? Not too bad, eh? The time to complete the project should not be terribly shocking since I work full time and also assist in caring for 8-month old baby Daphne. I promise to post photos soon.

Jennie, Daphne, and my mother-in-law are still out shopping for bargains and running errands.

Our new deck is about 70% completed. It is starting to resemble a deck again! Photos before the weekend, honest Abe!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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