
December 14

Daphne appears to be going through another growth spurt. I swear her little fingers and toes are getting bigger and bigger each day. And her high energy level is amazingly exhausting!

Jennie and I mostly worked on chores around the house this weekend (not terribly exciting, I know). While shopping at Costco yesterday afternoon, I suddenly remembered why I dislike Christmas shopping in public. The crowds, the pushing, the shoving, the crying... Aye Carumba! Jennie and I absolutely insist on internet Christmas consumerism. It's quite painless and you can surf in your Underoos.

Only a week and a half until Christmas!

Daphne sleeps in odd positions...

Daphne prepares to eat scrambled egg yolk for the first time ever.

Yuck! Maybe egg is an acquired taste?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

1 comment:

Scott, Meredith & Audrey said...

she is too cute; I love the interesting sleeping positions this one is great with one sock on!