
December 9

Daphne had a routine doctor visit today. It was her slightly belated 9 month old checkup. The doctor was pleased with her development and overall health. Although Daphne is still toothless, her doctor wants us to introduce cheese and yogurt into her diet.

Weight: 16.5 pounds (10th percentile, down from 18th at last checkup)
Height: approximately 27 inches (27th percentile)
Head circumference: approximately 42.5cm (10th percentile)

NOTE: The height and head circumference figures are from memory and may not be completely 100% accurate. Basically, Daphne appears to be growing well and I suppose that is good enough?

How is your Christmas shopping coming along? Thankfully, Jennie and I are nearly finished. But, we still need to get the "stuff" mailed to our extended families. Our goal is to finish sending out our Christmas cards before the end of this week...

Great news! My employer has officially signed a lease on a new building just minutes from my house. I am anxiously awaiting our move -- it should happen very soon.

Here are some more photos from this past weekend:

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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