
December 25

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

Ten month old Daphne thoroughly enjoyed her first Christmas. She opened so many toys and clothes today. We are truly blessed and thankful for all of the gifts! Grammy and Grampa arrived early this morning for a festive breakfast. Afterwards, we dug into gift giving mode and watched little Daphne learn how to demolish wrapping paper (and even try to eat some, too).

Following a midday nap, Jennie, Daphne, and I visited Grammy and Grampa's house for a nice turkey dinner with all of the traditional side dishes. During the meal, Daphne ate tiny bites of turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. Topping it all off, Davey's secret recipe pumpkin pie really hit the spot! Yummy!

On the verge of walking, Daphne took between 7 and 9 steps several times today and she's getting more brave and daring each day. She searches all around the house for furniture placed with a 5 to 10 step distance to test her balance and coordination. Luckily, she did not bop her noggin on any tables today...

Two more upper teeth are about to erupt on either side of her two upper, front teeth. I hope her bottom teeth burst through any day now. Her gum line continues to swell and Daphne constantly chews on toys and her fingers (more than usual).

Here are a few photos of Daphne celebrating Christmas Day:

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look how serious she looks with her grammy as she works on that toy. She is quite studius looking. Did I spell that right?