Today was my first day back to work since Daphne's birth. My metamorphosis into parenthood has affected my sleeping patterns and established a paradigm shift on my priorities (i.e., Nintendo and Hockey get downgraded a notch below playing with Daphne). Honestly, I still feel the same. I am not sure that I expected papa-tude to feel different. But now, my primary task is raising my child the best way I know how. Batteries not included.
Over the past week, two co-workers of mine have passed away (one from the flu last week, and the other from Diabetes today). It is somber and surreal to start losing acquaintances to death. Somehow, it makes you feel old and helpless.
Daphne was in rare form last night! Oh brother, she would not stop crying no matter how much we consoled her, burped her, rocked her, etc. So, Daddy Davey drove to the local 24-hour Kroger and purchased some Mylicon drops at 3am. The Gripe Water I raved about a few days ago did not seem to work well enough. I am still not convinced she has colic. Perhaps she has her days and nights mixed up, I cannot say. But, I definitely believe it relates to Jennie's C-Section medication (amoxicillin et al).
I pray tonight will be more restful. Its difficult for me to work productively while chugging coffee and splashing cold water on my face hourly. The bright spot on the horizon: Daphne should sleep through the night in a couple of weeks. Yay.
My one wish: a full night of contiguous sleep.
Photos shall be posted in the coming days.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Aiden did better when I switched him to formula- sometimes the food mom eats makes baby fussy when they are breast-fed. Not trying to discourage you guys from breast feeding by any means- but I know that this worked for A. Keeping him awake during the day and moving to a more adult like schedule helped him sleep on our schedule too. And, he was eating cereal by the spoonful within 10 days- again, he was an odd bird but when he had a full tummy, he was happier and slept better when he didn't sleep all day. Just one old mom's experiences here- add a grain of salt and best of luck to you three!
i too, made it breast feeding both mine about 2 to 4 mths. one i made it longer than the other, but both times my breast milk had too much protein, and they just couldn't take it on their lil tummies. they neither one could use regular formula we tried it all, they had to use soy formula and they were then fine. yep, i too had to use the cereal sooner than supposed too. they were hungry, and it worked and all was blessed and good... everyone is different, but you just have to keep trying it all one will work for your lil angel, she is just so beautful ...hope jennie is doing much better, it is hard when mom is in pain too. Good hubby, and dad dave...Good boy....
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