
March 20

Jennie had a routine doctor visit this afternoon. The good doc inspected Jennie's battlescar or as Jennie refers to it, "the C-section war wound". Thankfully, the indolent incision has nearly healed completely. She is still several weeks away from being able to lift heavy objects or push a vacuum cleaner, etc.

When Daphne was first born, her eyes were mostly navy-to-dark brown with the faintest blue sliver around the edges. Today, as I was rocking my baby in my lap, I noticed her eye color appears to be morphing to a lighter blue. Daphne reached up and grabbed my butt chin this evening with a tiny gripping hand.

Nights seem more manageable these days. Daphne is now equally as fussy in the afternoon as she wails during the night. When will all of this baby gas pain go away? I really feel sorry for her bowels...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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