
November 28

Happy Thanksgiving!

We ate tons of turkey and Daphne tried pumpkin pie for the first time (which she called "mayonnaise cake"). She just learned the word "pie" and had never eaten whipped cream, so she thought it was mayonnaise. I cannot imagine cake with mayonnaise tasting as great as her new found love for pumpkin pie (see photos below).

My father, step-mom, and her mom visited us for a Turkey Day celebration. Jennie's parents supplied the succulent bird and we had more food than we could possibly eat in a few sittings.

Today, Jennie and I took Daphne to a local park (partly to get out of the house and partly to help Daphne burn some of her overflowing energy). While she loves the baby swing, Daphne had much more fun going down the various slides repeatedly. "Do again", said Daphne after each slide. "Wheeeee, fun!" and "Like it!" were heard often.

More photos in a day or so. Enjoy!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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