
December 22

Twas the day before the day before the Eve of Christmas (Dec 22nd) and Daphne has her first ever ear infection! Uh oh, my little baby's low grade fever and sluggish behavior finally makes sense. After two weeks of randomly mixed symptoms, Jennie scheduled Daphne to see the doctor yesterday. Some days Daphne would have no fever or runny nose, but would double over with a raspy cough. Then, out of the blue, a fever would appear and her nose would drip worse than a faucet in a fraternity house.

Other than being painfully constipated and lacking a real appetite, Daphne is doing well. A few weeks of Miralax and ear medicine should do the trick...

The doctor reminded Jennie once again that Daphne has the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen in a baby. Little boys should be warned that I plan on keeping a loaded shotgun handy once Daphne begins dating.

I am pleased to report that Daphne can now count to four on her own (and with a lot of guidance she can make it to thirteen). Five or six letters still escape her, but she has the harmony down for the ABC song (it is so cute watching her dance and sing, "A, B, E, B, F, X, G, O, Q ...." Hey, she's trying!

New photos upcoming.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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