
December 27

Happy birthday to my Dad tomorrow! I won't reveal his age outright, but let's just say he will be celebrating his 2 to the 6th power birthday (for all of you math geeks out there). Jennie, Daphne, and I are planning to visit my Dad and my Step-Mom in the coming week as well. We always eat way too much good food during our visits!

Tonight during supper, Daphne said, "I missed you Daddy" three separate times (background: she spent the afternoon at Jennie's parent's house while we broke down the Christmas decorations, etc). Awww, very heartwarming indeed. But, the highlight of my day occurred at Daphne's bedtime. After Jennie & I brushed Daphne's teeth, changed her into her pajamas, and read her a short book, she said, "I wuv (love) you Daddy". That's enough to bring a tear to your eye...

Here are some photos from this weekend: (Notice the last photo --> Daphne calls any sport on TV, "Hockey" -- hehehe)

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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