
June 9

Yesterday, I spent the day playing with Daphne and taking it easy. It was truly a lazy Sunday. Poor old Jennie is probably getting cabin fever being at home so much. Now that Daphne is getting older and much less fussy, we should be able to take her out and about more often and expose her to life in middle Tennessee.

Geek alert: Thanks to a co-worker and good friend, I now have Synergy (a SourceForge project) running on my desktop and laptop at work. I can use one mouse and keyboard to move between a Windows and Linux operating system seamlessly. I decided to install Ubuntu 8.04 Linux on my laptop last week to boost performance and it has not disappointed. Now, if I could only get Synergy on my BlackBerry!

Tomorrow is another "weigh in" for my Biggest Loser competition. I do not believe this week's scale reading will be nearly as dramatic as last week. I will be lucky to have lost a pound or two -- too much diet inconsistency and peer pressure (eating out a few times). All we can do is look to the future and not worry about the past...

Daphne enjoys her mobile after a nice, warm bath...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful. I wish I could hold her. give her a kiss from grandma!