
October 3 ( 17 weeks pregnant )

Today, Jennie has her scheduled alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) blood test. This is a routine visit which will hopefully rule out any defects or problems with our baby's development. Caveat d'emptor: this test has been known to yield false positives. Oh well, more stuff to worry about, right? :)

In 22 days, my future son or daughter will make his or her next ultrasound appearance. And, on that fine day, Jennie and I *should* know what color to paint our baby room.

Only 38 days until my 35th birthday! Yeehoo... I can taste the chocolate icing already! In all its' sugary goodness, the oversized, 24-inch chocolate chip cookie with the phrase "Happy Birthday Davey Wavey" make my mouth water. Yummy...

Tonight, the puck drops for the 90th NHL season. While the Predators' ownership situation has me distrait, I am enthusiastic to see how everything shakes out on the ice.

LINK OF THE DAY: Elevators, propellers, biceps, and fountains, oh my!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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