
October 5

Wow! The Predators beat the Avalanche last night like a rented mule! Although the scoreboard displayed 4-0 as the fat lady sang, the match was actually fairly close. Colorado rolled four high-powered, offensive lines. The Predators countered with grit and determination. Ultimately, the lower payroll, workmanlike effort of the Predators prevailed. Last year's Predators team had more egos and big name superstars (Kariya, Forsberg, Timonen, et al), but this year's team is more fun to watch (so far). I know, I know, there are still 81 games left... and you can never win them all.

Jennie reminded me how difficult it might become for her to enjoy the games as the season goes on. After all, her ever growing baby pouch will continue to protrude and swell. I imagine sometime around mid-January she will become too uncomfortable to enjoy the bellicosity and skill on ice. And if we happen to make the playoffs, I am unsure what will happen.

LINK OF THE DAY: Are you the least bit cynical?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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