
April 1

Happy April Fool's Day!

All is well with baby Daphne... She continues to amaze us with her little mannerisms and teeny little features. Daphne will be 5 weeks old this Friday! Where does the time go?

After much deliberation, we ordered our birth announcements yesterday. So, they should be mailed out by week's end. Keep an eye on your mailbox early next week. If I have your mailing address, you WILL receive a 4 x 8 photo in the coming days.

It seems this has been the House of Murphy's Law since Daphne arrived. If it is a major appliance and could possibly tear up, it has. Our new dishwasher arrives tomorrow for installation from the Home Depot. Knock on wood, I pray our 10-year old water heater does not die next...

Well, have a terrific evening! Jennie, Daphne, and I are going to relax on the couch and watch a DVD.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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