
May 16

Daphne continues to amaze us daily. She has now discovered the art of slapping at toys to make noises and she will watch you shake a rattle for several minutes in awe. The new expressions of surprise and satisfaction on her face are priceless.

Last night Daphne managed to scoot from one side of her crib to the other while staying completely swaddled. After five hours of silence, Jennie peeked in on Daphne around 1am and found her wide-awake, staring at the ceiling, and happily chewing on her thumb and index finger. Still wrapped up in her Kiddopotamus (resembling a straitjacket), our little Houdini has mastered the art of wiggling her tushy and rolling her body. Jennie is doing some research today about removing the crib bumper. Now that Daphne is quickly becoming mobile, we want to eliminate the possibility of her suffocating herself on the side of the crib.

Both Jennie and I have a busy weekend ahead... lots of chores to do.

I will post some new photos of her tonight when I get home from work this evening.

EVENING UPDATE: 6:12pm a couple of new photos.
Apparently, Daphne and Mommy had a LONG day with no significant naps. Some days are better than others and each day is very different.

Breastfeeding wears me out!

Tired and fussy, Daphne poses with Daddy...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


Anonymous said...

Dave i would leave the bummpers inthe crib ,so Daphane does not beat up her legs,head, and gets a arm or leg stuck in between the crib bars little one will be 2 in less than a week (she is the youngest of 3 )and i still have her crib bumpers up amdaround her crib ....

Anonymous said...

compare that picture of you and her, to some of your baby pics.. c the resemblance ????