
May 6

Happy belated birthday to my sister! She can celebrate the Cinco de Mayo holiday each year with a heaping wedge of birthday cake and a margarita on the rocks. My birthday falls on the Eve of Veteran's Day -- a lesser known holiday enjoyed by bank employees.

Daphne is growing like a weed. Now that I am working much closer to home, I will be able to spend more time with my little pooh bear. This afternoon, Mommy, Grandma, and Grandpa are taking her to the park for a ride in her stroller. I hope they snap some photos...

As I type this blog entry, I am sitting in the cafeteria at my workplace, eating my ham sandwich, and surfing the web on my wireless laptop. Ahh, the life... no shackles restricting me from the internet! This is the way it should be for everyone.

Happy birthday to my nephew, Cole! I hope your third trip around the sun was a good one.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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