So far, so good. Jennie and I have completed two of our three doctor visits today.
I began the morning with a routine physical and lab work (cholesterol screening, etc). The doctor did not seem overly concerned, but he said I had a "slightly, enlarged spleen". I need to do some research to find out how this happened... or, better yet, if I should be worried.
Afterwards, Jennie and I had our semi-annual teeth cleanings. Gotta keep those chompers healthy! Daphne will be 5 months old the next time we visit the dentist.
In a few hours, Jennie and I must return downtown for an eye appointment. We both had LASIK eye surgery in 2001, so hopefully our vision is still fine.
Apparently some of my fellow co-workers have been complaining about the ever increasing internet restrictions. As you can see, not being able to access this website has affected the timeliness of my blogging. Unfortunately, the last thing I feel like doing after supper is jumping on the computer and writing a blog entry.
What's that doc? I can't hear you. I have an otoscope in my ear!
Have a great hump day!
EVENING UPDATE: 7:26pm CST While Jennie naps, I am cleaning out the closet in our computer room (now known as our "junk room"). Do you find it painful to throw away years of accumulated junk as well? If I want to finish organizing Daphne's closet, I must relocate some baby room closet junk into our overstuffed computer room closet. A necessary, yet painful and time consuming chore indeed.
My eye appointment went better than expected. Both of my eyes are still better than 20/20 seven years after LASIK surgery! Hot dog...
My eyes were so dilated after my appointment that Jennie had to drive us home. I had forgotten how painful the sunlight could be during dilation. If you watch the TV show "Heroes", I resembled Maya Herrera after her eyes turn completely black to kill everyone around her. hehehe
This is what I looked like after my eye appointment...
LINK OF THE DAY: I forget how I found this website... hehehe
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 27
Jennie and I completed our childbirth class this evening.
Today began with a lengthy video on the Cesarean Section birth. Yuck. I never got dizzy or felt faint, but I admit to looking away from the screen during the doctor's incisions and basically during all of the gross stuff.
We took a quick tour of the hospital, pre-registered with admissions, and learned how to change diapers and bathe our newborns (using life-sized, plastic babies). I can now swaddle a baby with the best of 'em.
Over the next three weeks, we must begin baby-proofing our house by crawling around on the floor...
Daphne will be here in three to six weeks!
LINK OF THE DAY: Gizmodo... the gadget guide
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Today began with a lengthy video on the Cesarean Section birth. Yuck. I never got dizzy or felt faint, but I admit to looking away from the screen during the doctor's incisions and basically during all of the gross stuff.
We took a quick tour of the hospital, pre-registered with admissions, and learned how to change diapers and bathe our newborns (using life-sized, plastic babies). I can now swaddle a baby with the best of 'em.
Over the next three weeks, we must begin baby-proofing our house by crawling around on the floor...
Daphne will be here in three to six weeks!
LINK OF THE DAY: Gizmodo... the gadget guide
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 26
Today was a long day!
Jennie and I both woke up this morning before the alarm clock rattled off it's annoying soliloquy. Since our class was not scheduled to break for lunch until noon, I prepared a feast of high protein. Lots of bacon, scrambled eggs, strawberry yogurt, and a large glass of milk seemed to hit the spot. I figured the odds of me passing out were slim with a belly full of protein.
We arrived as class was about to start, so we quickly registered and made up our name tags. The instructor pointed out that our name tags were 10cm circles of paper. Ironically, that would be the size of our mate's cervix at delivery time.
I saw the 36-pound, empathy belly, but did not have a chance to wear it yet.
Our class was comprised of 18 couples (nearly all of the women were with husbands or boyfriends, but a few were with their mother or sister). The instructor paired each couple with another couple for the first five minutes of class. We had to quickly learn as much as we could about the other couple. Next, each couple had to stand and introduce the other couple to the rest of the class. This icebreaker was interesting to see how many folks were having boys vs. girls, and how many had already chosen a name, etc.
I have to admit I became a little woozy when the instructor was showing some slides and speaking of the cervical "mucus plug" and how the effacement of the cervix occurs. Later in the day I almost slipped into the vagal response when they showed the placement of the epidural catheter in the spine and all of the potential issues that could occur. But, I never officially passed out! Yeah, maybe I will do fine during the delivery of Daphne?
Jennie and I both got teary eyed while watching a "miracle of birth" video during class. You know the video? They showed several women's naughty parts with babies "crowning" and being delivered right on video. I never got lightheaded nor did I turn away, even as the afterbirth flowed... Instead, I teared up and made sure none of the other men in the class noticed me wiping my eyes. I played it off like I was simply itching my eyes. I'm sure I fooled 'em. Is it not a shame that men must hide our emotions with machismo?
Today's class ended with breathing and relaxing techniques while we listened to soft, peaceful music.
Tomorrow is another full day of class that finishes with a tour of the hospital.
LINK OF THE DAY: America's oldest humor & video site...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Jennie and I both woke up this morning before the alarm clock rattled off it's annoying soliloquy. Since our class was not scheduled to break for lunch until noon, I prepared a feast of high protein. Lots of bacon, scrambled eggs, strawberry yogurt, and a large glass of milk seemed to hit the spot. I figured the odds of me passing out were slim with a belly full of protein.
We arrived as class was about to start, so we quickly registered and made up our name tags. The instructor pointed out that our name tags were 10cm circles of paper. Ironically, that would be the size of our mate's cervix at delivery time.
I saw the 36-pound, empathy belly, but did not have a chance to wear it yet.
Our class was comprised of 18 couples (nearly all of the women were with husbands or boyfriends, but a few were with their mother or sister). The instructor paired each couple with another couple for the first five minutes of class. We had to quickly learn as much as we could about the other couple. Next, each couple had to stand and introduce the other couple to the rest of the class. This icebreaker was interesting to see how many folks were having boys vs. girls, and how many had already chosen a name, etc.
I have to admit I became a little woozy when the instructor was showing some slides and speaking of the cervical "mucus plug" and how the effacement of the cervix occurs. Later in the day I almost slipped into the vagal response when they showed the placement of the epidural catheter in the spine and all of the potential issues that could occur. But, I never officially passed out! Yeah, maybe I will do fine during the delivery of Daphne?
Jennie and I both got teary eyed while watching a "miracle of birth" video during class. You know the video? They showed several women's naughty parts with babies "crowning" and being delivered right on video. I never got lightheaded nor did I turn away, even as the afterbirth flowed... Instead, I teared up and made sure none of the other men in the class noticed me wiping my eyes. I played it off like I was simply itching my eyes. I'm sure I fooled 'em. Is it not a shame that men must hide our emotions with machismo?
Today's class ended with breathing and relaxing techniques while we listened to soft, peaceful music.
Tomorrow is another full day of class that finishes with a tour of the hospital.
LINK OF THE DAY: America's oldest humor & video site...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 25
Anxiously, Jennie and I begin our childbirth education course tomorrow morning and graduate Sunday as fully-fledged childbirthers! Now that the time has come, I am really glad we opted for the two day version instead of the one hour per week for several months version. In my humble opinion, the "cram everything into two days" class trumps the "Oh God, will this ever end?" class. I don't know what to expect (other than the 40-lb strap-on belly and all of the various breathing exercises). Phoo-phoo-phoo phee-phee-phee, PUSH, PUSH... how hard can that be, right?
This is what I expect to wear...
Jennie spent the afternoon shopping with her mother. Just the thought of shopping all afternoon wears me out, so I imagine Jennie must be a little pooped. We are about to get into some cozy pajamas, pop in a DVD, and relax on the sofa.
I believe Jennie's work is throwing her a baby shower on or around February 11th, but (to the best of my knowledge) my work has not even begun planning a shower. I suppose I should not be too terribly concerned (maybe they are planning a surprise for me?). With all the showers I have attended the past few years (for co-workers and spouses of co-workers), I hope they do something special. Jennie deserves it.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
This is what I expect to wear...
Jennie spent the afternoon shopping with her mother. Just the thought of shopping all afternoon wears me out, so I imagine Jennie must be a little pooped. We are about to get into some cozy pajamas, pop in a DVD, and relax on the sofa.
I believe Jennie's work is throwing her a baby shower on or around February 11th, but (to the best of my knowledge) my work has not even begun planning a shower. I suppose I should not be too terribly concerned (maybe they are planning a surprise for me?). With all the showers I have attended the past few years (for co-workers and spouses of co-workers), I hope they do something special. Jennie deserves it.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 24
Jennie's overall exhaustion level seems to be taking a toll on her. She is feeling a little groggy and needs lots of sleep. Thankfully, she has only a few more weeks of work before she goes on maternity leave.
Next Wednesday, I have a triple whammy of doctor visits scheduled for myself. I will begin the day with a cholesterol screening and general physical exam. After being poked and prodded by my primary care physician, I will proceed to my semi-annual, routine dental cleaning followed by my first eye exam in nearly seven years! Geez, maybe I can squeeze in a visit to the proctologist, too?
Jennie and I will be attending a childbirth class this weekend at our hospital. I will be sure to pay close attention to detail and report my findings!
Have a great rest of the week!
Huh? This sign is hopeless!
LINK OF THE DAY: The Good Experience blog...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Next Wednesday, I have a triple whammy of doctor visits scheduled for myself. I will begin the day with a cholesterol screening and general physical exam. After being poked and prodded by my primary care physician, I will proceed to my semi-annual, routine dental cleaning followed by my first eye exam in nearly seven years! Geez, maybe I can squeeze in a visit to the proctologist, too?
Jennie and I will be attending a childbirth class this weekend at our hospital. I will be sure to pay close attention to detail and report my findings!
Have a great rest of the week!
Huh? This sign is hopeless!
LINK OF THE DAY: The Good Experience blog...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 23 ( 33 weeks pregnant )
Jennie's doctor visit went well today. Her weight and blood pressure readings are fine. And, although her iron level is now in the normal range (11.0), she will continue taking the daily iron supplement.
Today, Jennie and I celebrate our 126th wedding anniversary (yes, that's monthly). Once again, she won our little game (as she does most every month) by calling me at work and quickly squeaked, "Happy Anniversary!" before I could even say, "Hello?".
Each morning, I have the same old routine. With coffee in hand, I promptly sit down in front of my work computer to key in a small blog entry (technically, before I am even considered "on the clock"). But today, I received an "8e6 - Blocked due to content" message while trying to pull up anything with the word "blog" in the URL. I cringed with horror... no blogger, no message boards, nothing. Hmm, websites containing Flash graphics were first restricted, then streaming radio zapped, and finally, any type of streaming video website was locked down and prohibited. Is big brother censoring my every move?
So, now, I am unable to write my daily diary entries at work. Also, they have blocked and Digg considering them unnecessary and unproductive. Call me a whiner, but I am furious and terribly angry at our Network Nazis! By profession, I am an internet web developer (Senior Java Developer & Analyst) for Christ's sake! If I were a great chef, would you take away my spatula and skillet? If I were a dentist, would you replace my drill, Novocaine, and spit sucker with a pair of rusty pliers and a tin can? Oh well, my griping does nothing but raise my blood pressure and kills off valuable, much needed brain cells. But do I feel a little better? Not a chance...
If you listen really hard, you can hear me sulking.
My workplace is quietly becoming the Hitler of computer services...
LINK OF THE DAY: This is the ridiculous, censoring product (R3000 Internet Filter) that my workplace insists on using.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Today, Jennie and I celebrate our 126th wedding anniversary (yes, that's monthly). Once again, she won our little game (as she does most every month) by calling me at work and quickly squeaked, "Happy Anniversary!" before I could even say, "Hello?".
Each morning, I have the same old routine. With coffee in hand, I promptly sit down in front of my work computer to key in a small blog entry (technically, before I am even considered "on the clock"). But today, I received an "8e6 - Blocked due to content" message while trying to pull up anything with the word "blog" in the URL. I cringed with horror... no blogger, no message boards, nothing. Hmm, websites containing Flash graphics were first restricted, then streaming radio zapped, and finally, any type of streaming video website was locked down and prohibited. Is big brother censoring my every move?
So, now, I am unable to write my daily diary entries at work. Also, they have blocked and Digg considering them unnecessary and unproductive. Call me a whiner, but I am furious and terribly angry at our Network Nazis! By profession, I am an internet web developer (Senior Java Developer & Analyst) for Christ's sake! If I were a great chef, would you take away my spatula and skillet? If I were a dentist, would you replace my drill, Novocaine, and spit sucker with a pair of rusty pliers and a tin can? Oh well, my griping does nothing but raise my blood pressure and kills off valuable, much needed brain cells. But do I feel a little better? Not a chance...
If you listen really hard, you can hear me sulking.
My workplace is quietly becoming the Hitler of computer services...
LINK OF THE DAY: This is the ridiculous, censoring product (R3000 Internet Filter) that my workplace insists on using.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 21
Tossing and turning in my sleep, I dreamt of Jennie giving birth last night. I woke up this morning officially nervous and it's not even February yet! Overcome with emotion and callow thoughts, I had a mini-anxiety attack in the shower (my mind raced through tons of "what if" scenarios -- will I forget to pack Jennie's hospital suitcase, will I forget the camera, will I leave the garage door open as I rush her to the hospital, will her water break in Wal-Mart, etc). Is it normal for me to get nervous about Daphne's arrival so soon? As long as I keep busy for the next 50 days, I should be fine. I suppose this means I am finally starting to feel like a Daddy.
Jennie and I are dying to know if Daphne will have my signature butt chin or if she will have our squooshed, little pug nose. We are simply anxious to meet her.
In 29 to 50 days, we shall know...
Always read the fine print!
LINK OF THE DAY: The Bathroom Reader
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Jennie and I are dying to know if Daphne will have my signature butt chin or if she will have our squooshed, little pug nose. We are simply anxious to meet her.
In 29 to 50 days, we shall know...
Always read the fine print!
LINK OF THE DAY: The Bathroom Reader
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 20
Sunday. A relaxing day of rest.
Jennie and I have no plans today. Yeehoo! We will enjoy each other's company, watch a little TV, and maybe play some Nintendo Wii. What a day!
Yesterday our friends (Bill, Erica, and their daughter, Ella) paid us a visit. We ate some delicious homemade pizzas and watched the Predators demolish the Blues in a hockey matinee.
Jennie sees the doctor Wednesday afternoon for her routine (33 week) doctor visit.
Is your baby bald? Baby toupees are all the rage!
LINK OF THE DAY: Lost in translation... Babelize a phrase to see how miscommunication happens.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Jennie and I have no plans today. Yeehoo! We will enjoy each other's company, watch a little TV, and maybe play some Nintendo Wii. What a day!
Yesterday our friends (Bill, Erica, and their daughter, Ella) paid us a visit. We ate some delicious homemade pizzas and watched the Predators demolish the Blues in a hockey matinee.
Jennie sees the doctor Wednesday afternoon for her routine (33 week) doctor visit.
Is your baby bald? Baby toupees are all the rage!
LINK OF THE DAY: Lost in translation... Babelize a phrase to see how miscommunication happens.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 18
Jennie is taking in lunch and a movie with friends today. Other than a stuffy nose, occasional back pain, and easily swollen legs, she feels great!
I have spent the better part of two days trying to configure my new PC here at work with software development tools and utilities. These new quad-core Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz processors really fly! My only complaint with the 64-bit Windows XP operating system would be the compatibility issues for old, legacy programs. No big deal. The pros of having a new computer definitely outweigh the cons. Enough geek rambling...
This coming Monday we have tickets to a hockey game starting at 5pm (early holiday faceoff). Since my employer does not recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday, Jennie graciously volunteered to pick me up so we would not be late to the game. Oh well, I bet there will be some angry fans showing up around 7pm thinking the game is about to start only to find out the third period is underway. Yikes!
Enjoy your weekend!
"What a cute baby you have!" -- the Prez
LINK OF THE DAY: Great news for adults: Teens are stupid!
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
I have spent the better part of two days trying to configure my new PC here at work with software development tools and utilities. These new quad-core Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz processors really fly! My only complaint with the 64-bit Windows XP operating system would be the compatibility issues for old, legacy programs. No big deal. The pros of having a new computer definitely outweigh the cons. Enough geek rambling...
This coming Monday we have tickets to a hockey game starting at 5pm (early holiday faceoff). Since my employer does not recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday, Jennie graciously volunteered to pick me up so we would not be late to the game. Oh well, I bet there will be some angry fans showing up around 7pm thinking the game is about to start only to find out the third period is underway. Yikes!
Enjoy your weekend!
"What a cute baby you have!" -- the Prez
LINK OF THE DAY: Great news for adults: Teens are stupid!
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 16 ( 32 weeks pregnant )
According to and, Daphne should now weigh about 4 pounds (the size of a jicama) and measure close to 19 inches in length. For the remaining eight weeks, Jennie should gain a pound per week with half a pound going to Daphne.
Happy Hump Day!
More to come later...
Priority Mail
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Happy Hump Day!
More to come later...
Priority Mail
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 15
Less than two months to go.
This time last year we began preparing for IVF (initial consultation, socking away money, researching pro's and con's). Over the years, we tried various ovulation predictors, numerous pills to increase fertility, and several cycles of IUI with no luck. While I would never wish fertility problems on my worst enemy, there are several blessings for which I am grateful: (1) Jennie and I will never take our future children for granted and (2) most importantly, we will never have to worry about getting "fixed". No vasectomy or tubal ligation (tubes tied) for us! I work with folks that constantly complain about birth control and getting "fixed".
It really does feel like an eternity has passed since I gave Jennie daily injections of progesterone in her rump. I still recall the shudder of excitement as I peered into the high powered microscope (viewing the two embryos before they were placed inside of Jennie via precision catheter). Ten years of crossing our fingers and pacing the bathroom floor while the monthly pregnancy tests all came back negative really took a mental toll on us. And now, we are 35 to 56 days away from a healthy, happy little miracle baby Daphne!
Have a great Ides of January and stay warm!
Who wants some chocolate pudding?
LINK OF THE DAY: Interesting world news...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
This time last year we began preparing for IVF (initial consultation, socking away money, researching pro's and con's). Over the years, we tried various ovulation predictors, numerous pills to increase fertility, and several cycles of IUI with no luck. While I would never wish fertility problems on my worst enemy, there are several blessings for which I am grateful: (1) Jennie and I will never take our future children for granted and (2) most importantly, we will never have to worry about getting "fixed". No vasectomy or tubal ligation (tubes tied) for us! I work with folks that constantly complain about birth control and getting "fixed".
It really does feel like an eternity has passed since I gave Jennie daily injections of progesterone in her rump. I still recall the shudder of excitement as I peered into the high powered microscope (viewing the two embryos before they were placed inside of Jennie via precision catheter). Ten years of crossing our fingers and pacing the bathroom floor while the monthly pregnancy tests all came back negative really took a mental toll on us. And now, we are 35 to 56 days away from a healthy, happy little miracle baby Daphne!
Have a great Ides of January and stay warm!
Who wants some chocolate pudding?
LINK OF THE DAY: Interesting world news...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 14
Promptly at a quarter past 5 AM, my sleepy fist pounded the alarm clock's snooze button for 9 more minutes of bliss. Jennie whispered, "do you want to feel some intense kicking?" I placed my paw gently on her belly and felt several quick blows. Yep, my daughter is the next Mike Tyson.
Off from work today, Jennie ran some quick errands with her Mom out on the town. I got home and assisted with supper. Now, we are about to sit in front of the TV to watch a DVD. Have a great evening!
Nine more days until Jennie's next doctor visit.
LINK OF THE DAY: School fitness concerns? Play with my balls or play with my Wii...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Off from work today, Jennie ran some quick errands with her Mom out on the town. I got home and assisted with supper. Now, we are about to sit in front of the TV to watch a DVD. Have a great evening!
Nine more days until Jennie's next doctor visit.
LINK OF THE DAY: School fitness concerns? Play with my balls or play with my Wii...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 13
Brrr... snow is on the way! No accumulation is expected here in middle Tennessee, but it is always fun to watch the flakes fall. is reporting that we will have a 60% chance of snow showers this Thursday and Friday with *possible* accumulation. Sure.
Tonight Jennie and I will be attending a rare Sunday night hockey game downtown (the only Sunday night Predators game of the season). As each game passes by, Jennie finds it harder and harder to fit in her seat comfortably! I am not sure how many more games we will be able to enjoy this season before Daphne's arrival...
LINK OF THE DAY: Is time a figment of your imagination?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Tonight Jennie and I will be attending a rare Sunday night hockey game downtown (the only Sunday night Predators game of the season). As each game passes by, Jennie finds it harder and harder to fit in her seat comfortably! I am not sure how many more games we will be able to enjoy this season before Daphne's arrival...
LINK OF THE DAY: Is time a figment of your imagination?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 12
Jennie and I are about to leave for the Super Baby Shower at Babies R Us.
Last night we relaxed at home in front of the TV. We played Super Mario Galaxy on our Wii in cooperative, 2 player mode and had a blast!
More later...
AFTERNOON UPDATE: 3:47pm Oh well, we are back at the ranch. Let's see, we received a coupon for a free half gallon of ice cream at Publix grocery store. And, oh yeah, some free samples of lanolin cream. Woo hoo...
In all honesty, there was nothing "super" about this Babies R Us event. Two or three small vendors and a grocery store promoting their bakery were present. During the lengthy "Ideas for planning a Baby Shower" presentation, Jennie and I nearly sawed some logs. We could have missed that one -- after all, who plans their own baby shower? :)
No big deal. All things considered, it was nice to get out and walk around a bit to stretch out our legs.
Jennie's parents are bringing supper over for us tonight as we enjoy the Predators hockey game on the tube.
LINK OF THE DAY: TheMishMash - a motley assortment of things...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Last night we relaxed at home in front of the TV. We played Super Mario Galaxy on our Wii in cooperative, 2 player mode and had a blast!
More later...
AFTERNOON UPDATE: 3:47pm Oh well, we are back at the ranch. Let's see, we received a coupon for a free half gallon of ice cream at Publix grocery store. And, oh yeah, some free samples of lanolin cream. Woo hoo...
In all honesty, there was nothing "super" about this Babies R Us event. Two or three small vendors and a grocery store promoting their bakery were present. During the lengthy "Ideas for planning a Baby Shower" presentation, Jennie and I nearly sawed some logs. We could have missed that one -- after all, who plans their own baby shower? :)
No big deal. All things considered, it was nice to get out and walk around a bit to stretch out our legs.
Jennie's parents are bringing supper over for us tonight as we enjoy the Predators hockey game on the tube.
LINK OF THE DAY: TheMishMash - a motley assortment of things...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 10
Jennie's appointment yesterday went well. Her doctor listened to Daphne's heartbeat and took some measurements. While only gaining two pounds since her last visit (that's great, by the way), Jennie has begun swelling a bit in her lower legs. So, the doctor recommended some Jobst or Juzo compression knee-high stockings. Can you believe they charge nearly $30 for a pair of socks? Ouch... they better be woven with 24 karat gold thread! hehehe
Each night before bed, Jennie and I have started singing and reading to Daphne. I have been told that she will recognize our voices (and it *should* soothe her) once she is born. But, if our singing is way off key (as my intuition suggests), Daphne will remonstrate with discomfort.
Only 40 to 61 more days to go...
Daphne's abode is getting smaller as she is growing...
LINK OF THE DAY: Some website alternatives to eBay...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Each night before bed, Jennie and I have started singing and reading to Daphne. I have been told that she will recognize our voices (and it *should* soothe her) once she is born. But, if our singing is way off key (as my intuition suggests), Daphne will remonstrate with discomfort.
Only 40 to 61 more days to go...
Daphne's abode is getting smaller as she is growing...
LINK OF THE DAY: Some website alternatives to eBay...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 9 ( 31 weeks pregnant )
Today is Jennie's "routine" 31 week doctor visit. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed to find out she has only one remaining ultrasound which occurs at 40 weeks (assuming she goes full term and does not deliver early). Her remaining scheduled visits will occur on weeks 33, 35, and 36 through 40 each Wednesday.
I raced home yesterday after work to pick up my car from a local mechanic before the shop closed at 5pm. Amazing how something as insignificant as new front brakes can make a car seem new again! In 2000 and 2001, Jennie and I both purchased brand new cars and diligently worked to pay them off by 2003 and 2004 respectively. While both vehicles are nearing 100,000 on the odometer and their "new-ness" has worn off, I am pertinaciously opposed to having a car payment.
Once Daphne has a brother or sister, maybe we will revisit the notion of buying some flavor of hybrid vehicle (Prius, Accord, or Camry). If Jennie's second pregnancy consists of twins or more, we *might* consider a MiniVan (although, we both hate them).
Last night the Predators won by a touchdown over the Los Angeles Kings. A 7-0 rout on the road is rare, but it was fun to watch nonetheless. I still have my doubts that Nashville will even make the playoffs this year. But, to be honest, missing the playoffs would be a good thing as I will have a newborn at home and probably would not be able to attend the games in person anyway.
Enjoy your hump day!
LINK OF THE DAY: World O' Crap
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
I raced home yesterday after work to pick up my car from a local mechanic before the shop closed at 5pm. Amazing how something as insignificant as new front brakes can make a car seem new again! In 2000 and 2001, Jennie and I both purchased brand new cars and diligently worked to pay them off by 2003 and 2004 respectively. While both vehicles are nearing 100,000 on the odometer and their "new-ness" has worn off, I am pertinaciously opposed to having a car payment.
Once Daphne has a brother or sister, maybe we will revisit the notion of buying some flavor of hybrid vehicle (Prius, Accord, or Camry). If Jennie's second pregnancy consists of twins or more, we *might* consider a MiniVan (although, we both hate them).
Last night the Predators won by a touchdown over the Los Angeles Kings. A 7-0 rout on the road is rare, but it was fun to watch nonetheless. I still have my doubts that Nashville will even make the playoffs this year. But, to be honest, missing the playoffs would be a good thing as I will have a newborn at home and probably would not be able to attend the games in person anyway.
Enjoy your hump day!
LINK OF THE DAY: World O' Crap
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 8
Jennie dropped off my Subaru at the shop early this morning. Hopefully, nothing major is wrong. We believe the brakes are worn out (squealing and pinging like flimsy, metal roller skates on bumpy pavement). In fact, they have not been serviced in nearly 60,000 miles of driving. Auto repair always leaves me feeling like George Costanza on Seinfeld, "Your B-Pipe needs to be replaced, Mr. Costanza". Fictitious parts are invented by mechanics and always in need of urgent repair or else! :)
One of my previous employers is going out of business in early March. It really saddens me as I still have several friends working over there. I wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavors!
Tomorrow is Jennie's doctor visit.
Different degrees of spit-itude? yuk yuk yuk
LINK OF THE DAY: Swap your stuff!
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
One of my previous employers is going out of business in early March. It really saddens me as I still have several friends working over there. I wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavors!
Tomorrow is Jennie's doctor visit.
Different degrees of spit-itude? yuk yuk yuk
LINK OF THE DAY: Swap your stuff!
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 7
What's new?
Naturally, Jennie and I are becoming more anxious as each week passes. Without trying to be too cliche, there are simply not enough hours in the weekend. This past weekend was chock full of activity: we shopped for stuff we probably didn't need, visited friends, enjoyed a great hockey game, shopped some more, and took a few naps in between. Our poor puppy dog was probably bored silly!
This upcoming weekend is the annual "Super Baby Shower" at our local Babies R Us store. Jennie and I will attend, listen to vendors praise their products, and leave with a bunch of free junk that we probably do not need. Hey, it's hard to pass up a free gizmo! :)
Only two and a half more weeks to go until our childbirth classes begin. Rumor has it that I will have to strap on a potato sack (40 lbs of weight) and walk around to simulate what pregnancy is doing to Jennie's back. Also, we will learn how to change diapers and other necessary baby stuff that should come in handy.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "If only closed minds came with closed mouths..." -- some old dude
No piggybacks here...
LINK OF THE DAY: Need a coupon?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Naturally, Jennie and I are becoming more anxious as each week passes. Without trying to be too cliche, there are simply not enough hours in the weekend. This past weekend was chock full of activity: we shopped for stuff we probably didn't need, visited friends, enjoyed a great hockey game, shopped some more, and took a few naps in between. Our poor puppy dog was probably bored silly!
This upcoming weekend is the annual "Super Baby Shower" at our local Babies R Us store. Jennie and I will attend, listen to vendors praise their products, and leave with a bunch of free junk that we probably do not need. Hey, it's hard to pass up a free gizmo! :)
Only two and a half more weeks to go until our childbirth classes begin. Rumor has it that I will have to strap on a potato sack (40 lbs of weight) and walk around to simulate what pregnancy is doing to Jennie's back. Also, we will learn how to change diapers and other necessary baby stuff that should come in handy.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "If only closed minds came with closed mouths..." -- some old dude
No piggybacks here...
LINK OF THE DAY: Need a coupon?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 5
After using a sick day from work on Friday, I am feeling much better. One of my co-workers shared the wealth and passed along a pesky, 24 hour stomach virus to me.
This morning I found out third-hand (through an email nonetheless) that Daina, my younger sister, is 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. Remember the beach wedding Jennie and I attended back in early September? The honeymoon was successful as the bride is officially "knocked up". I do not know all of the details, but I believe her U.S. Marine husband is about to be deployed to Iraq in a few weeks (causing him to be "in absentia" during the birth of their child). Congratulations to Daina and Lance!
Jennie is doing great and this upcoming Wednesday is her 31 week, routine doctor visit.
LINK OF THE DAY: My box of cruft
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
This morning I found out third-hand (through an email nonetheless) that Daina, my younger sister, is 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. Remember the beach wedding Jennie and I attended back in early September? The honeymoon was successful as the bride is officially "knocked up". I do not know all of the details, but I believe her U.S. Marine husband is about to be deployed to Iraq in a few weeks (causing him to be "in absentia" during the birth of their child). Congratulations to Daina and Lance!
Jennie is doing great and this upcoming Wednesday is her 31 week, routine doctor visit.
LINK OF THE DAY: My box of cruft
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 3
I cannot say enough great things about Nintendo! The Wii video game system is amazing! Glued to the edge of our seats, Jennie and I tackled Super Mario Galaxy last night for three hours or so. The user interface is completely intuitive and the graphics are flawless. The M.C. Escher "style" of game play (which way is up?) causes laughter and provides some interesting challenges. Wow!
Until yesterday, Daphne's kicks or punches were mostly occurring (down low) near Jennie's bladder or cervix. Now, Jennie feels the strong kicking (up high) a few inches above her belly button. Maybe Daphne will be an All-Star soccer player?
I continue to stare at the calendar with amazement. Only a few more weeks until our little Daffodil changes our lives forever...
LINK OF THE DAY: Delicious pictures for people with good taste...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Until yesterday, Daphne's kicks or punches were mostly occurring (down low) near Jennie's bladder or cervix. Now, Jennie feels the strong kicking (up high) a few inches above her belly button. Maybe Daphne will be an All-Star soccer player?
I continue to stare at the calendar with amazement. Only a few more weeks until our little Daffodil changes our lives forever...
LINK OF THE DAY: Delicious pictures for people with good taste...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
January 2 ( 30 weeks pregnant )
Less than 10 weeks to go!
Jennie's next appointment with her doctor is a week from today. I really hope they perform another ultrasound in her upcoming visits, but I have no idea what to expect. The last ultrasound photo I received was way back in October.
We still have a few more weeks until the childbirth class. That should be exciting!
The US Postal Service let us down on Monday by not delivering our Nintendo Wii. I will cross my fingers once again today. The "track & deliver" section on states that a delivery was attempted on Saturday, December 29th at 2:45pm. First of all, we never left home that day and secondly, our mail was delivered before noon. Oh well, it's probably just a software glitch at USPS while updating the package status.
Did you have a wonderful New Year's celebration?
Like old fogies, Jennie and I stayed at home and watched the festivities on the tube.
MORNING UPDATE: 9:29am A friend of mine sent this to me and I wanted to share. Enjoy! hehehe
1. Innovative
2. Preliminary
3. Anaesthetist
4. Cinnamon
5. Chrysanthemum
1. Specificity
2. Rhipidistian-Amphibian Transition
3. Anti-constitutionalistically
4. Transubstantiate
5. Sphygmomanometer
1. Thanks, but I don't want to have sex.
2. Nope, no more booze for me.
3. Sorry, but you're not really my type.
4. Mac Donalds? No thanks, I'm not hungry.
5. Good evening, officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight?
6. Oh, I couldn't. No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I'm not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination. I'd hate to look like a fool.
9. Where is the nearest toilet? I refuse to hurl in the street.
10. I must be going home now as I have work in the morning.
LINK OF THE DAY: Save the planet, one joke at a time...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Jennie's next appointment with her doctor is a week from today. I really hope they perform another ultrasound in her upcoming visits, but I have no idea what to expect. The last ultrasound photo I received was way back in October.
We still have a few more weeks until the childbirth class. That should be exciting!
The US Postal Service let us down on Monday by not delivering our Nintendo Wii. I will cross my fingers once again today. The "track & deliver" section on states that a delivery was attempted on Saturday, December 29th at 2:45pm. First of all, we never left home that day and secondly, our mail was delivered before noon. Oh well, it's probably just a software glitch at USPS while updating the package status.
Did you have a wonderful New Year's celebration?
Like old fogies, Jennie and I stayed at home and watched the festivities on the tube.
MORNING UPDATE: 9:29am A friend of mine sent this to me and I wanted to share. Enjoy! hehehe
1. Innovative
2. Preliminary
3. Anaesthetist
4. Cinnamon
5. Chrysanthemum
1. Specificity
2. Rhipidistian-Amphibian Transition
3. Anti-constitutionalistically
4. Transubstantiate
5. Sphygmomanometer
1. Thanks, but I don't want to have sex.
2. Nope, no more booze for me.
3. Sorry, but you're not really my type.
4. Mac Donalds? No thanks, I'm not hungry.
5. Good evening, officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight?
6. Oh, I couldn't. No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I'm not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination. I'd hate to look like a fool.
9. Where is the nearest toilet? I refuse to hurl in the street.
10. I must be going home now as I have work in the morning.
LINK OF THE DAY: Save the planet, one joke at a time...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
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