So far, so good. Jennie and I have completed two of our three doctor visits today.
I began the morning with a routine physical and lab work (cholesterol screening, etc). The doctor did not seem overly concerned, but he said I had a "slightly, enlarged spleen". I need to do some research to find out how this happened... or, better yet, if I should be worried.
Afterwards, Jennie and I had our semi-annual teeth cleanings. Gotta keep those chompers healthy! Daphne will be 5 months old the next time we visit the dentist.
In a few hours, Jennie and I must return downtown for an eye appointment. We both had LASIK eye surgery in 2001, so hopefully our vision is still fine.
Apparently some of my fellow co-workers have been complaining about the ever increasing internet restrictions. As you can see, not being able to access this website has affected the timeliness of my blogging. Unfortunately, the last thing I feel like doing after supper is jumping on the computer and writing a blog entry.
What's that doc? I can't hear you. I have an otoscope in my ear!
Have a great hump day!
EVENING UPDATE: 7:26pm CST While Jennie naps, I am cleaning out the closet in our computer room (now known as our "junk room"). Do you find it painful to throw away years of accumulated junk as well? If I want to finish organizing Daphne's closet, I must relocate some baby room closet junk into our overstuffed computer room closet. A necessary, yet painful and time consuming chore indeed.
My eye appointment went better than expected. Both of my eyes are still better than 20/20 seven years after LASIK surgery! Hot dog...
My eyes were so dilated after my appointment that Jennie had to drive us home. I had forgotten how painful the sunlight could be during dilation. If you watch the TV show "Heroes", I resembled Maya Herrera after her eyes turn completely black to kill everyone around her. hehehe
This is what I looked like after my eye appointment...
LINK OF THE DAY: I forget how I found this website... hehehe
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
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