
January 24

Jennie's overall exhaustion level seems to be taking a toll on her. She is feeling a little groggy and needs lots of sleep. Thankfully, she has only a few more weeks of work before she goes on maternity leave.

Next Wednesday, I have a triple whammy of doctor visits scheduled for myself. I will begin the day with a cholesterol screening and general physical exam. After being poked and prodded by my primary care physician, I will proceed to my semi-annual, routine dental cleaning followed by my first eye exam in nearly seven years! Geez, maybe I can squeeze in a visit to the proctologist, too?

Jennie and I will be attending a childbirth class this weekend at our hospital. I will be sure to pay close attention to detail and report my findings!

Have a great rest of the week!

Huh? This sign is hopeless!

LINK OF THE DAY: The Good Experience blog...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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