
February 29

Happy Leap Year!

4:35am CST: Jennie flipped on the light in a crazed flurry -- I woke up in a hazy, dreamlike state. Trying to figure out where I was, I heard Jennie proclaim, "I think my water broke!" I thought to myself, "hmmm... we never packed that expletive deleted suitcase, did we?" hehehe

I scurried to the shower (more so to wake up than to wash), quickly swallowed a small yogurt in 3 or 4 bites, and grabbed everything off of our packing list. Jennie and I both shook our heads as I mentioned, "oh wow, she might be a Leap Year kid".

6:05am CST: Off to the hospital, we are going to see if Jennie's water broke for sure.... She has lost her cervical "mucus plug". And, she is dripping amniotic fluid. She now appreciates and empathizes elderly incontinence. Hey, I knew we should have bought stock in Depends Undergarments.

9:15am CST: We were admitted to the hospital at 6:30am, thoroughly poked and prodded in triage for a few hours, and now we are in the Labor & Delivery room. Potocin has been started...

9:55am CST: Jennie's pain has greatly intensified. Her contractions are becoming very strong. Ouch! She is really gripping my fingers tightly. Epidural, anyone?

10:30am CST: Jennie's epidural is being placed now. She is over 2cm dilated.

10:45am CST: Epidural has now been placed. To keep me from fainting, I am blogging now. I sneak a peek every few minutes, but it does make me woozy.

The nurse said it may take 30 minutes for her epidural to take effect. Here comes another contraction...

11:51am CST: Original epidural was removed and new one was placed. Her right side was getting nice and numb, but her left side was barely affected. Since her contraction pain is mostly occurring on the left, they decided to replace the catheter. She is feeling NO PAIN now. Jennie's parents are on their way to the hospital now. They are bringing "Hungry Davey" a nice sub sandwich from Subway.

12:59pm CST: Jennie's second epidural is still not working on her left upper leg and left lower back area. The nice lady from anesthesiology is going to try to place it once more.

Penicillin in Jennie's IV fluids is making her nauseous.

Jennie is currently 4cm dilated.

1:30pm CST: The doctor came in and examined Jennie a little while ago. Happy with the progression, she said she would be very surprised if Daphne was not born before midnight.

I honestly have no idea how much longer the labor will last, but I think labor is supposed to progress quicker beyond 4cm?

2:07pm CST: A senior anesthetist has almost finished with the placement of epidural number three. Poor Jennie, the first two epidurals did not properly numb her left side, so hopefully the third time is the charm! They decided to move up an inch or so on her back. Surprisingly, I am not feeling faint while watching the blood run down her back as the catheter is inserted. If this epidural does not totally numb her up, she will experience some natural childbirth pain.

Other than a stuffy nose and lots of contraction pain, Jennie appears to be in good spirits. She has only flipped me off with one bird today. She should be fine.

3:04pm CST: Jennie's third epidural did the trick! She cannot feel either leg now. Yay! We should find out her dilation level in a bit (when her doctor returns).

3:24pm CST: Jennie is peacefully cat-napping.

4:22pm CST: Doctor just left. Jennie's dilation level is 5+ cm. An internal fetal monitor is now in place.

5:32pm CST: Jennie is still trying to rest. Her contractions are coming every 2 to 3 minutes and lasting for 30 seconds.

8:53pm CST: Daphne Rose Tilson was born into the world via Cesarean Section. She weighed 7 lbs, 1 1/2 ounces and measured 19 1/2 inches long. Jennie and I are exhausted. I will post more pictures later...

Mommy's first look at her little princess

I look just like my DADDY!

Keeping you posted,
Dave T.


February 28

Yahoo! Jennie is officially dilated. The doctor told her that her "cervix is getting nice and soft" and the cervical dilatation is fingertip. I know, I know. Reaching 10 cm is still a jagged cliff to climb, but our journey is nearly complete.

Jennie also saw her primary care physician today in regards to her recent ear infection (due to sinusitis, I believe). She was given a prescription for some antibiotics and ear drops to use for 10 days. Other than "on-again, off-again" laryngitis and a wonky ear infection, she seems healthy. I, on the other hand, am unable to sleep due to my persistent cough and sore throat. Yay, great.

Daphne is still kicking up a storm each night between 8 and 9:30pm.

We STILL have not packed our hospital suitcase. I really hope I can convince Jennie to help me pack it this weekend. Otherwise, I predict a stressful day where we make that final trek to the hospital.

Talk about great timing, my car's "Check Engine" light came on earlier this week. During lunch, I slid over to the local Auto Zone to have them do a free reading on my car's computer (they retrieve the offensive engine code with that little handheld thingy). Guess what? My O2 sensor has gone bad yet again. This is the fourth time in less than 2 years. Maybe the Subaru Legacy does not like the air quality here in Nashville? Or maybe the mechanics around here are applying a band-aid patch to a bigger problem with my car? Poor old Jennie offered to take my car to the shop tomorrow early (she will sit in the lobby bored to tears until her mother can pick her up a few hours later).

My car is acting up again...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 27 ( 38 weeks pregnant )

Jennie's doctor visit is tomorrow morning. A final, routine ultrasound will be performed next week during her week 39 visit (assuming Daphne has not yet been born).

Today the Smile Mommy Cloth Diaper Service visited our house for an initial consultation. While "out and about" in public, we still plan on using disposable diapers sparingly (we did receive some disposable Newborn and Size 1's at our Baby Showers).

The diaper service will provide, pick up, and launder 80 cloth diapers per week for us. Yay! We will help do our part to keep extra Pampers and Huggies out of the landfill. And, better yet, the service will come to our house weekly to empty out that stinky, air tight diaper pail. So, we will get the benefits of cloth diapers without having to constantly run the washing machine.

Jennie is still coughing up a lung each night, but her ear pain, pink eye, and other nagging cold symptoms have subsided.

LINK OF THE DAY: Symptom Checker... what's wrong with your body?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 25

Any day now. The 38th week is flying right by us...

Well, Jennie seems to be getting over her cold as each day passes. Unfortunately, I have now acquired her sniffles, runny nose, and sore throat. Yep, her cooties found me and sliced through my immune system like a warm knife on Grandma's butter dish.

The good news is that I should be fully over this cold by the time Daphne arrives. Jennie's lightening has still not occurred. No Braxton-Hicks contractions yet. No false labor pains. Hmm, maybe Daphne is taking after Daddy Davey? Back in November of 1972, I refused to come out of my mom's womb on time -- in fact, she went 41 1/2 weeks with me. Ouch!

Let me know if you want to be added to the email distribution list for photos of Daphne. 47 folks have already responded!

Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year. For diehard hockey fans, the NHL trade deadline day is more exciting than Christmas morning! Whether your team is a buyer or a seller, the day can absolutely break your heart or fill your chalice with Stanley Cup dreams. I do not expect the Predators to make a big splash.

Hooray! Hooray! Tomorrow is NHL trade deadline day!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 23

We have had a fairly productive weekend already and it's not even 4pm on Saturday.

Took trash to dump: done.
Baby car seat installed: done.
Hospital bag packed: not entirely, but we have made a thorough packing list.

Jennie's nesting syndrome has been back for a couple of days now. Like a little Energizer bunny, she is constantly laundering onesies, ironing, folding clothes, stripping and re-making the crib with fresh sheets, and reorganizing the baby room closet. Hopefully, Daphne will pop out soon, so Jennie can relax!

Tonight is our final hockey game before Daphne's arrival. I still have no idea how we are going to handle the final few games and the playoffs.

Oh well, I need to go make her put up her feet and rest a bit.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 22

Tonight Jennie and I watched the movie "Mr. Brooks" on DVD. Wow! Have you seen this movie? That last scene makes you think twice about kissing your kids goodnight. hehehe Daphne will still get sugar from me (just hide the scissors!).

Jennie's cold, pink eye, ear-cloggage, nagging cough, laryngitis, and overall discomfort continues. I hope she gets well soon! Poor little Daphne's chamber of sleep and solitude might not be very restful these days.

Our goal for this weekend: pack our hospital bag and learn how to use the car seat!

Week 38 is nearly upon us...

Popular game for attending a polka

LINK OF THE DAY: Gapminder World

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 20 ( 37 weeks pregnant )

Full term! In my best Homestar Runner voice, "Wow, can you believe it?"

Daphne will be born any day now and should be fully developed at this time (basically, she's just adding weight or baby fat). At my work, we have a pool going for her birthdate. No money involved, just bragging rights. I personally think she will make her introduction on or around March 5 (39 weeks). A lady I work with *swears* that the full moon will be a big factor, but that would be today! Maybe the new moon on March 3 will cause Jennie's cervix to efface? oh well, Jennie has not had lightening yet (that's where the baby drops) and she is not dilated at all, so she still has some time left.

Jennie received an eye drop prescription for her "pink eye" today. Hopefully, her left eye will heal soon! Meanwhile, yellow goo continues to accumulate along the edges of her eye.

Jennie has been applying heat to her right ear this evening. It is clogged and aching with a shrill hum.

Amazingly enough (knock on wood), I am still healthy.

LINK OF THE DAY: Landscapes 2.0

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 19

Jennie and I just got home from an exciting, yet nailbiting hockey game! The Predators (32-23-7) defeated the Edmonton Oilers (27-29-5) by a score of 5 to 4.

Conjunctivitis (or "pink eye") is still giving Jennie fits after several days. Her poor left eye is red, watery, and itchy. She woke up with a common cold on Saturday and (knock on wood) I have somehow managed to avoid getting ill. I am trying to avoid her *cooties* to the best of my ability, but it's tough. Jennie's routine doctor visit is tomorrow, so maybe her eye will be treated with an ointment or drops?

Daphne will be considered a "full term" baby tomorrow (37 weeks). My cell phone will be staying close to my side now that I'm officially waiting for the "oh crap, I'm in labor" phone call from Jennie. We still need to pack a suitcase with some essentials for the hospital and place it in Jennie's trunk.

LINK OF THE DAY: Do you have bad taste in music?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 17

Many thanks to Kim and Marnie for throwing such a beautiful baby shower today! We could not have asked for better weather -- warm and sunny, 65 degrees in February???

The husbands drank beer and played with my Nintendo Wii. The wives chatted and shared war stories while sipping Sangria. Illness and other obligations accounted for several absences, but there was enough food to feed twenty people.

Jennie has her next doctor appointment this Wednesday.

Have a great week!

Fiesta themed baby shower

Jennie is ready to POP!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 16

Whew! The house is finally clean. You never realize how dirty your house has become until the day before guests arrive. Luckily, we are finished.

Jennie is taking a quick nap before we go watch some hockey downtown. Hopefully, the Predators will beat the Blues tonight in a blowout. While St.Louis fans can be cocky and disruptive, they are not nearly as bad as Detroit and San Jose folks who frequent the Sommet Center.

I cannot believe we are about to begin week 37! Jennie has one day of work left next week and then the nesting begins. Keeping my cell phone at full charge, I will be "on call" for her water breaking...

Anyone for some air hockey?

LINK OF THE DAY: Totally absurd inventions...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 15

Jennie and I are facing a busy weekend ahead. A hockey game, a baby shower, and lots of planning for upcoming baby birthing (e.g., suitcase packing, car seat installation, making lists, lists, and more lists). Hey, we just might make a list of our lists, just in case.

On Sunday, a small gathering of family and friends will shower Jennie at our house. Some friends of ours are coordinating the entire affair with a Mexican Fiesta theme (a really cool idea for a baby shower, eh?). I am terribly excited as we are serving Sangria, Dos Equis, and Corona Extra for those inclined to imbibe! Nevertheless, non-alcoholic punch and other soft drinks will be available as well. Being a connisseur of snacks and all things edible, I anxiously await to see the variety of snacks, goodies, and food items served. If you gain a pound or two, the party was successful!

After a lengthy day of work, Jennie feels like she has hippo feet. For those of you who follow HomeStarRunner, Jennie resembles Strong Sad. I kid, I kid...

Well, my Wii is calling my name. I need to take advantage of these quiet, pre-baby times. I would hate to be accused of Nintendo neglect. :)

Have a great weekend!

Need to give your baby a continuous patting?

LINK OF THE DAY: With all the political smear ads beginning to air, who is lying?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!

Surely you have heard, "The way to a man's heart is through his belly." That being said, Jennie baked me some chocolate, heart-shaped cupcakes topped with cream cheese icing. Yummy!

Please drop me a quick message at if you want to be included on the email list when Daphne is born. Granted, I will post photos and anecdotes on this blog within a day or so, but email me if you want to know all the juicy details ASAP from the hospital. I will create a distribution list in a few days...

It will not be long until we make that thrilling drive to the hospital for our special delivery!

LINK OF THE DAY: The 10 least romantic love song lyrics...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 13 ( 36 weeks pregnant )

Snow, snow, everywhere. A light dusting of the white stuff littered the state today.

I returned from the mountains of east Tennessee this evening. My grandfather's funeral concluded today just before noon. And, I immediately traveled home afterwards.

Pardon my brevity, but I am pooped. I have driven over ten hours since Tuesday morning, so I will say toodleloo for now.

Jennie is doing great!

LINK OF THE DAY: The 7 Wonders of the World...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 11

Jennie works late tonight, but I can tell she is thrilled to have only two shifts remaining (before her maternity leave kicks in).

Pardon my forgetfulness (Jennie calls it "placenta brain"), but did I mention that week 36 is supposedly the "grumpiest week" in the entire pregnancy cycle? Jennie's doctor told her that I should be aware of this week and to watch out.

UPDATE: Doh! All I had to do was scan down to my February 8th entry to see that I am repeating anecdotes. Sorry about that... I will blame it on evening blogging. My mind is quite cloudy and not creative at this twilight hour.

I can only imagine how my life will change in less than a month...

In as few as 9 days or as many as 30 days, Daphne will be sleeping in my arms.

Have a happy Monday!

Baby straitjacket?

LINK OF THE DAY: Can artificial sweeteners make you fat?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 10

All of my prenatal chores are now complete (additional white-wire shelving hung in two locations, closet rod installed, attic flooring finished, closets organized, etc). Well, I am finished until Jennie revises my "honey-do" list of course. Renovating my home gives me great satisfaction, but I still make time to play with my Nintendo Wii. Once Daphne is born, my Wii may accumulate some cobwebs. Who knows?

Jennie is down to her final three days of work (before her maternity leave goes into effect). Foot and ankle swelling seem to be her only issue, but it's been under control today. Reclining on the couch after supper, Jennie's belly quivers each night like an alien is under her skin.

My maternal grandfather passed away this morning before 7am. Thankfully, his departure occurred painlessly during his sleep. I will be attending the visitation and funeral later this week. Ten years ago this month, Alzheimer's claimed the life of my paternal grandfather.

Beloved grandfather Anison Chandler -- 93 years, 8 months
May he rest in peace. We love you and will miss you, Grandpa.

LINK OF THE DAY: The 6 million dollar entertainment system...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 8

I had my Adacel vaccine today after work. Apparently, pertussis is at an all time high and if you are around a newborn, you should be immunized at your local walk-in clinic.

Jennie's doctor told her that the 36th week is officially the "grumpiest" week of pregnancy. Uh oh... hehehe. I better be on my best behavior! If Jennie wants to eat a marshmallow and pickle sandwich topped with blueberry jam, I will oblige. No craving will be denied. To boost her iron, Jennie devoured a bacon cheese bison burger tonight for supper. Yummy.

Remember how my spleen was "slightly" enlarged last week? No worries, Davey is fine and dandy. My medical lab results came back normal a few days ago. The only questionable result: my cholesterol reading was borderline high at 190.

Giggle of the week: have you ever watched a 35 week pregnant lady paint her toenails? Funny stuff. I offered to help, but Jennie wanted to do it herself (and honestly, I can't say I blame her -- she's a much better artist).

In a few weeks, Jennie will have her body back. And, she seems excited to finally get a good night's sleep again.

Chillin' in the tub...

LINK OF THE DAY: Find the meaning of any acronym or abbreviation...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 7

Jennie's doctor was pleased with her progress today. Daphne is properly positioned, head down in Jennie's uterus (a great sign). Jennie is not retaining too much water or gaining too much weight. All is normal...

One of my co-workers asked me if we had a theme for our nursery. I guess we really don't have one. Lots of dark wood furniture, robin's egg blue walls, and pink crib sheets & bumper. We are keeping it fairly neutral until we learn Daphne's personality. I am guessing she will be a "Daddy's girl". But, who knows?

Well, I need to hit the hay! This late night blogging is tough stuff. I apologize for not having many creative juices flowing through my entries lately. It is terribly frustrating that my employer restricted my access to this website. Being exhausted, I am afraid it shows in my writing style...

LINK OF THE DAY: Global disease alert map...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 6 ( 35 weeks pregnant )

Jennie and I napped for a few hours today after I got home from work. In a few short weeks, the peaceful silence of napping *might* be replaced by the cries of poo-filled diapers and colic. Or, Daphne may be the perfect angel; quietly sleeping and happily producing her poo.

As Jennie waddles, Daphne continues to grow...

LINK OF THE DAY: Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 5

Twenty-two funnel cloud sightings were confirmed tonight as tornadic activity pounded the mid-state area. All the while, Jennie and I were safely inside the Sommet Center watching the Nashville Predators defeat the Carolina Hurricanes, 1-0. Driving home after the game, the temperature was still 73 degrees outside! Can you believe it's early February and warm enough to wear shorts? It will probably snow tomorrow...

Jennie's 35 week, routine doctor visit is scheduled for Thursday. The good news is that Daphne continues to grow and actively kick, but the bad news is that Jennie's hematocrit level has fallen below 11. Her reading today was a 10.6, so she is borderline anemic again. Jennie is already taking a double dose of iron each day, so I cannot imagine what the doctor's recommendation will be.

REGISTRY NOTE: We are de-registering from Burlington Coat Factory's Baby Depot due to their restrictive return policy. So, please, we urge you NOT to shop the Baby Depot...

It's Tornado Time in Tennessee!

LINK OF THE DAY: Nine Secrets Health Insurers Don't Want You To Know...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 3

Watching the Super Bowl in High Definition has been a real treat! Most of the commercials this year have been average or duds, but a few of them (E*Trade, Bud Light, et al) made us chuckle. Baked potato skins, cream cheese dip, and fudge grahams are a few of the pregnancy craved, junk foods Jennie provided for tonight's soirée.

Our attic is finished and I am thoroughly exhausted. Maybe this week I can finish hanging the white wire shelving and complete some other minor closet work.

Jennie is reading a book on the couch while Daphne kicks and punches her belly. Each night between 8 and 9pm, our little daffodil has become especially active.

Only a few short weeks left until she arrives!

LINK OF THE DAY: the 100 most often mispronounced words and phrases in the English language...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 2

When I woke up this morning, I had no idea what Jennie had in store for me. For years, we debated the pros and cons of finishing our attic floor. Our house may have a huge attic, but hopping from stud to stud (while hoping not to slip and fall through the sheetrock) was unproductive. Stowing away Christmas decorations, luggage, camping equipment, and boxes should not be so difficult and disorganized, right?

Well, Jennie's Dad graciously helped me bring all the attic junk downstairs and we formulated a plan with strict measurements. Measure twice so you only have to cut once...

Jennie's "honey-do" list kept growing. Since we are in a "home fixer up" mood, why not add some more of those handy white wire shelving things to our closet and the laundry room? Oh yeah, Daphne's closet could use some work, too. And, we were just getting warmed up.

As I sit here and write this entry, the attic is about 90% complete. While I still have to screw down the 5/8" plywood and return all the "junk" back to the attic, all of the cuts have been made and all the wood is in place. Effectively, we have added over 100 square feet of usable, necessary storage space!

In fact, maybe I can hook up one of those little refrigerators and haul a La-Z-Boy up
there? Attic space should be cozy and inviting.

LINK OF THE DAY: How computer spam works...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


February 1

Happy Groundhog Day's Eve!

My work is throwing a baby shower for Jennie on Thursday, February 21st. As it turns out, my boss and another co-worker were secretly planning on a big surprise shower. But I am thankful for the miscommunication of another co-worker, who took it upon herself to call Jennie, schedule a shower, and emailed my entire department (including me) about the event. Needless to say, it makes me feel appreciated and honored that my coworkers are so thoughtful.

Are you attending a Super Bowl party?

Sunday should be a blast! Jennie and I love watching the Super Bowl commercials. During the game itself, we socialize with guests, graze over junk food, and imbibe our favorite beverages.

Jennie and I watched the Predators move into playoff contention last night. Ambivalence fills my heart regarding this coming postseason of hockey. While I want Nashville to make the playoffs and successfully advance several rounds, I also realize that I may not get to attend many games as I will have a newborn needing constant diaper changes. So, I will not be terribly upset if we end up missing the playoffs.

Punxsutawney Phil says, "it's freakin' cold outside!"

LINK OF THE DAY: Savage Chickens

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.