
July 1

Passionate lovers of hockey drool with excitement for today's fast-paced signings and player trades. That's right, today (also known as "Christmas in July") marks the opening of free agency at noon eastern. Will your team spend millions of dollars on superstar player contracts to instantly become the next Stanley Cup favorites or miserably flop as underachievers and cost the general manager his job next summer? Exciting times indeed!

Email and comments keep pouring in hourly (regarding this blog). I can honestly say that I had no idea so many folks enjoyed this website. With anything in life, there are always a few bad apples (people who enjoy saying hurtful criticisms for the sake of trying to make themselves feel better). No worries; the positive comments and email far exceed the negative ones. I will continue posting photos of Daphne and sharing stories until my fingers atrophy with arthritis.

Speaking of Daphne, she is quite the wiggle worm these days! Each morning (before I leave for work), I peek in on her after my shower and also while I quickly wolf down some breakfast. Trying to achieve condign comfort, she flops around her crib like a fish out of water at the edge of shore. It is not uncommon for her to lay on her side at one end of the crib and five minutes later, she will be on her belly or back at the other end.

I will post some new photos before the 4th...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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