The clock is ticking. Only six more days until Jennie's beta hCG pregnancy test. Last night Jennie had some mild cramping. Hopefully, these twinges are from implantation.
LINK OF THE DAY: Stay away from Veggie Booty!
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 29 - Day 50 of IVF
One week from today is Jennie's pregnancy test. She spoke to her IVF nurse yesterday and they agreed on Friday, July 6th and Monday, July 9th for the tests. We are terribly anxious now.
Nothing else exciting to report today. I hope everyone has a wonderful pre-July 4th weekend!
LINK OF THE DAY: Why do we enjoy other people's problems?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Nothing else exciting to report today. I hope everyone has a wonderful pre-July 4th weekend!
LINK OF THE DAY: Why do we enjoy other people's problems?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 28 - Day 49 of IVF
Jennie's progesterone level needed to be 30 or greater yesterday to be considered good. Well, we received a voicemail around 3pm from an IVF nurse and Jennie's level was over 80! :) Great news!
We are not sure of the exact dates for Jennie's upcoming pregnancy tests (also known as beta hCG level blood tests). Originally, the tests were scheduled for next Thursday and Saturday, but the nurse told us that they try to do the lab work for beta hCG on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (not available on Saturday). But, next Wednesday is the 4th of July, uggh! Since the facility is partially open on July 4th, there should be no problem, right?
So, as of now, we really have no clue when her pregnancy test(s) will occur, but we do know it *should* either be: Thursday, July 5th and Monday, July 9th OR Wednesday, July 4th and Friday, July 6th of next week. Jennie will probably touch base with her IVF nurse today...
Otherwise, everything is still peachy. For the next week, I will continue to give Jennie a 1cc progesterone shot in her rump at 7pm each night. We will switch to Crinone after she passes her pregnancy tests.
LINK OF THE DAY: You can drink FREE if you dress like a cow OR moo on your birthday!
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
We are not sure of the exact dates for Jennie's upcoming pregnancy tests (also known as beta hCG level blood tests). Originally, the tests were scheduled for next Thursday and Saturday, but the nurse told us that they try to do the lab work for beta hCG on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (not available on Saturday). But, next Wednesday is the 4th of July, uggh! Since the facility is partially open on July 4th, there should be no problem, right?
So, as of now, we really have no clue when her pregnancy test(s) will occur, but we do know it *should* either be: Thursday, July 5th and Monday, July 9th OR Wednesday, July 4th and Friday, July 6th of next week. Jennie will probably touch base with her IVF nurse today...
Otherwise, everything is still peachy. For the next week, I will continue to give Jennie a 1cc progesterone shot in her rump at 7pm each night. We will switch to Crinone after she passes her pregnancy tests.
LINK OF THE DAY: You can drink FREE if you dress like a cow OR moo on your birthday!
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 27 - Day 48 of IVF
Yesterday, 4 of the remaining 14 embryos we had in incubation were able to be cryopreserved. No explanation was given on the voicemail, but the embryologist assured us on Monday that only the finest specimens would be frozen for future use. We are grateful to have any at all, but thought the number would be higher.
So, 61 total follicles --> 32 extracted eggs --> 19 selected for ICSI --> 16 fertilized --> the top 2 were implanted --> from remaining 14, only 4 frozen....
Realistically, that's still pretty good and is above average. I have to constantly reassure myself that everything will be fine -- Jennie is "technically" pregnant and she will carry to term, no if's, and's, or but's. We have accomplished the hardest part and everything should be down hill from here on out, right? With the help of NFC, we have witnessed two new lives created and placed in her womb (even if they are only a week old today). Now, we need a huge favor from Mother Nature to get us beyond the next big step, the pregnancy test! I have never in 35 years seen a positive pregnancy test (and we have used those "pee on a stick" tests for nearly a decade). A week from tomorrow is our pregnancy test and it will be done via blood instead of urine.
Jennie has a progesterone blood draw today at 8:15am. It's nothing more than a routine visit to ensure her endometrium is being adequately provided with a healthy layer of natural "velcro" for embryos.
LINK OF THE DAY: History of the Pregnancy Test...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
So, 61 total follicles --> 32 extracted eggs --> 19 selected for ICSI --> 16 fertilized --> the top 2 were implanted --> from remaining 14, only 4 frozen....
Realistically, that's still pretty good and is above average. I have to constantly reassure myself that everything will be fine -- Jennie is "technically" pregnant and she will carry to term, no if's, and's, or but's. We have accomplished the hardest part and everything should be down hill from here on out, right? With the help of NFC, we have witnessed two new lives created and placed in her womb (even if they are only a week old today). Now, we need a huge favor from Mother Nature to get us beyond the next big step, the pregnancy test! I have never in 35 years seen a positive pregnancy test (and we have used those "pee on a stick" tests for nearly a decade). A week from tomorrow is our pregnancy test and it will be done via blood instead of urine.
Jennie has a progesterone blood draw today at 8:15am. It's nothing more than a routine visit to ensure her endometrium is being adequately provided with a healthy layer of natural "velcro" for embryos.
LINK OF THE DAY: History of the Pregnancy Test...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 26 - Day 47 of IVF
Nine more days to go until we find out if Jennie's implant yesterday was successful. Hopefully, < knock on wood > this will simply be a routine visit with a positive pregnancy test.
Today, we find out how many of the 14 remaining embryos are viable to be frozen for future use. The embryologist told us yesterday that we should expect 5 to 8 of these embryos will be healthy enough to save.
LINK OF THE DAY: Global Incident Map
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Today, we find out how many of the 14 remaining embryos are viable to be frozen for future use. The embryologist told us yesterday that we should expect 5 to 8 of these embryos will be healthy enough to save.
LINK OF THE DAY: Global Incident Map
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 25 - Day 46 of IVF
Well, today is "implant" day! Jennie and I are about to leave for our appointment now. I will update this tonight when we get home from the surgery center...
EVENING UPDATE: Jennie and I are now home -- she's confined to bed rest for the next 48 hours. All things considered, the procedure went very well today. We arrived at the clinic at 8:45am, but ended up sitting for two hours in the waiting room. It's the only time we have ever had to wait that long, and it only made Jennie more anxious. I'm glad she had a Valium prescribed for today. hehe :)
We were called back into the surgery center around 10:45am and placed into a room. After her vitals were taken, Jennie was asked to disrobe, wear one of those tiny gowns, and get cozily covered up on the hospital bed. An embryologist entered the room and gave us information and photographs of our microscopic children. I am attaching the 5-day old photos of my favorite two children, Embryo A and Embryo B.
Don't they both have my eyes and chin? :) I do see a strong resemblance...
Maybe nine months from now, you can visit Baby A and Baby B once they emerge from the vast darkness known as Jennie's uterus?
Around 11:30am, the doctor came to visit and convinced me to put on some scrubs, surgical shoe covers, a surgical mask, and hat. He said I would not want to miss the fun! I have to admit I was worried I might pass out due to my weak stomach, but I never felt woozy at all. A surgical nurse invited me over to the incubator to view my Petri-dish children under the microscope (before they were loaded on the great rocketship catheter travelling to Planet Jennie's Innards). As soothing James Taylor music played overhead, the entire procedure took thirty minutes tops. The room was dimly lit, but I had a front row seat and perfect view of the ultrasound machine. Poor Jennie was arched in such a way that she could not view the ultrasound LCD, but she kept her eyes tightly closed for nearly the entire procedure.
Afterwards, the nurses wheeled her back into her recovery room and she had to lay completely motionless for an hour. Jennie has a progesterone level blood draw this Wednesday and her blood pregnancy tests will occur on July 5th and 7th.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
EVENING UPDATE: Jennie and I are now home -- she's confined to bed rest for the next 48 hours. All things considered, the procedure went very well today. We arrived at the clinic at 8:45am, but ended up sitting for two hours in the waiting room. It's the only time we have ever had to wait that long, and it only made Jennie more anxious. I'm glad she had a Valium prescribed for today. hehe :)
We were called back into the surgery center around 10:45am and placed into a room. After her vitals were taken, Jennie was asked to disrobe, wear one of those tiny gowns, and get cozily covered up on the hospital bed. An embryologist entered the room and gave us information and photographs of our microscopic children. I am attaching the 5-day old photos of my favorite two children, Embryo A and Embryo B.
Don't they both have my eyes and chin? :) I do see a strong resemblance...
Maybe nine months from now, you can visit Baby A and Baby B once they emerge from the vast darkness known as Jennie's uterus?
Around 11:30am, the doctor came to visit and convinced me to put on some scrubs, surgical shoe covers, a surgical mask, and hat. He said I would not want to miss the fun! I have to admit I was worried I might pass out due to my weak stomach, but I never felt woozy at all. A surgical nurse invited me over to the incubator to view my Petri-dish children under the microscope (before they were loaded on the great rocketship catheter travelling to Planet Jennie's Innards). As soothing James Taylor music played overhead, the entire procedure took thirty minutes tops. The room was dimly lit, but I had a front row seat and perfect view of the ultrasound machine. Poor Jennie was arched in such a way that she could not view the ultrasound LCD, but she kept her eyes tightly closed for nearly the entire procedure.
Afterwards, the nurses wheeled her back into her recovery room and she had to lay completely motionless for an hour. Jennie has a progesterone level blood draw this Wednesday and her blood pregnancy tests will occur on July 5th and 7th.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 24 - Day 45 of IVF
Less than 24 hours to go until Jennie's transplant. She will be on strict bed rest for 48 hours after I bring her home tomorrow evening.
We are both excited about tomorrow's procedure and learning how our cellular children are progressing. :)
EVENING UPDATE: I gave Jennie a shot of progesterone in her booty tonight. It was the first *real* injection I have ever given. I didn't even get woozy or faint...
LINK OF THE DAY: Cooking with spices and knowing what to use...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
We are both excited about tomorrow's procedure and learning how our cellular children are progressing. :)
EVENING UPDATE: I gave Jennie a shot of progesterone in her booty tonight. It was the first *real* injection I have ever given. I didn't even get woozy or faint...
LINK OF THE DAY: Cooking with spices and knowing what to use...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 23 - Day 44 of IVF
Sorry for the late update today, but Jennie and I have been running errands all morning. Nothing new to report from the clinic. The lab techs told us they would only leave us a voicemail message this weekend if something was wrong.
Jennie is feeling much better today. The only things bothering her these days are the Tetracycline (upsetting her stomach) and the soreness in her thigh (progesterone injection site).
Only two days until implantation of our future children.
LINK OF THE DAY: Top 5 Tiniest Houses
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Jennie is feeling much better today. The only things bothering her these days are the Tetracycline (upsetting her stomach) and the soreness in her thigh (progesterone injection site).
Only two days until implantation of our future children.
LINK OF THE DAY: Top 5 Tiniest Houses
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 22 - Day 43 of IVF
Waiting, waiting, and waiting some more... I keep looking at the clock and thinking, "maybe the clinic has left us a new voicemail about our embryos?" I'm usually not one to be overly anxious and this whole process is still very surreal to me.
Jennie appears to be feeling a little better with each passing day. She still grumbles and gasps as she tosses and turns at night --- her belly is still sore and bloated. Last night I cooked supper and we performed one of our favorite rituals: watching the tube and relaxing on the couch.
I will post a morning update just as soon as we receive a voicemail with news.
MORNING UPDATE: I just listened to the daily voicemail about three times. Our embryos are all at the 4-cell stage today. The IVF lab confirmed our 5-day blastocyst transfer for Monday at 10am. So, two blastocysts (embryos with 70-100 cells) will be implanted into Jennie this coming Monday! Yeehoo...
EDUCATIONAL LINK: How does a one-celled zygote become a baby?
LINK OF THE DAY: NHL Entry Draft coverage kicks off at 6:00pm CST tonight on Versus
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Jennie appears to be feeling a little better with each passing day. She still grumbles and gasps as she tosses and turns at night --- her belly is still sore and bloated. Last night I cooked supper and we performed one of our favorite rituals: watching the tube and relaxing on the couch.
I will post a morning update just as soon as we receive a voicemail with news.
MORNING UPDATE: I just listened to the daily voicemail about three times. Our embryos are all at the 4-cell stage today. The IVF lab confirmed our 5-day blastocyst transfer for Monday at 10am. So, two blastocysts (embryos with 70-100 cells) will be implanted into Jennie this coming Monday! Yeehoo...
EDUCATIONAL LINK: How does a one-celled zygote become a baby?
LINK OF THE DAY: NHL Entry Draft coverage kicks off at 6:00pm CST tonight on Versus
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 21 - Day 42 of IVF
At some point today, Jennie & I will find out how many eggs were fertilized yesterday. It is possible that all 32 eggs decided to create life, but not probable. During the IVF class we attended, we were told that a 50% fertilization rate is considered a success (so, if 16 eggs become embryos, we should be ecstatic).
While Jennie's mid-section continues to recuperate, she is spending the day in bed propped on with every pillow in the house. She slept fairly well through the night, but her right shoulder and ribs are sore from lack of turning while snoozing. This morning she appears to be in good spirits and has a little more energy than yesterday.
In less than two weeks, Jennie will be finished with her daily injection of progesterone in oil. Her basket of medications is no longer intimidating. No more Lupron, no more Bravelle, no more HCG. She does have to take a Tetracycline and a Medrol pill for a few more days and if necessary, she has some pain pills. But, she can finally see the end is near...
MORNING UPDATE: Great news! We received a voicemail from the IVF lab at 9:14am today. Out of the 32 total eggs, 19 of them were candidates for ICSI and 16 have become fertilized! Yay! We will find out tomorrow how many of them have begun cellular division, etc. Once they arrive at the 8-cell blastocyst stage, the two best looking embryos will be selected to implant on Monday, June 25th. (NOTE: Unless they decide to implant three embryos on Saturday, June 23rd)
The remaining 13 eggs (that were not used for ICSI) will be given the opportunity to become a fertilized embryo in a "side dish" with my remaining, left-over sperm. This will probably not yield more than one or two embryos at most. It's a nice gesture that they don't simply flush away the "leftovers", but they will usually not be relied upon as first choice.
LINK OF THE DAY: Need something to do?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
While Jennie's mid-section continues to recuperate, she is spending the day in bed propped on with every pillow in the house. She slept fairly well through the night, but her right shoulder and ribs are sore from lack of turning while snoozing. This morning she appears to be in good spirits and has a little more energy than yesterday.
In less than two weeks, Jennie will be finished with her daily injection of progesterone in oil. Her basket of medications is no longer intimidating. No more Lupron, no more Bravelle, no more HCG. She does have to take a Tetracycline and a Medrol pill for a few more days and if necessary, she has some pain pills. But, she can finally see the end is near...
MORNING UPDATE: Great news! We received a voicemail from the IVF lab at 9:14am today. Out of the 32 total eggs, 19 of them were candidates for ICSI and 16 have become fertilized! Yay! We will find out tomorrow how many of them have begun cellular division, etc. Once they arrive at the 8-cell blastocyst stage, the two best looking embryos will be selected to implant on Monday, June 25th. (NOTE: Unless they decide to implant three embryos on Saturday, June 23rd)
The remaining 13 eggs (that were not used for ICSI) will be given the opportunity to become a fertilized embryo in a "side dish" with my remaining, left-over sperm. This will probably not yield more than one or two embryos at most. It's a nice gesture that they don't simply flush away the "leftovers", but they will usually not be relied upon as first choice.
LINK OF THE DAY: Need something to do?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 20 - Day 41 of IVF
Egg retrieval done! Jennie is happily snoozing away between the dizziness and nausea. She has been given a good supply of Percocet and Zofran to help with the pain.
The doctor successfully aspirated 32 eggs for creating embryos. After I gave a fresh sample of swimmers, we can now say we are the parents of 32 cellular children...
Over the next few days, voicemail messages from the clinic will detail the progress of our embryos. The doctor feels fairly confident that Jennie will have the 5-day (blastocyst) transfer, as opposed to the 3-day transfer (in case the embryos are not doing well in the laboratory environment). Usually two embryos are implanted on the blastocyst transfer OR three embryos are implanted on the 3-day transfer.
Well, I need to go assist Jennie with a fresh, cool washcloth. She's still having hot flashes. Gotta run for now...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
The doctor successfully aspirated 32 eggs for creating embryos. After I gave a fresh sample of swimmers, we can now say we are the parents of 32 cellular children...
Over the next few days, voicemail messages from the clinic will detail the progress of our embryos. The doctor feels fairly confident that Jennie will have the 5-day (blastocyst) transfer, as opposed to the 3-day transfer (in case the embryos are not doing well in the laboratory environment). Usually two embryos are implanted on the blastocyst transfer OR three embryos are implanted on the 3-day transfer.
Well, I need to go assist Jennie with a fresh, cool washcloth. She's still having hot flashes. Gotta run for now...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 19 - Day 40 of IVF
Egg retrieval is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8:15am. Jennie has become considerably more nervous about everything that is going on. Last night, she had her first intra-muscular shot (HCG) at bedtime. After all the anticipation and build up of fear, she said, "that was nothing. It didn't sting a bit."
Today, the clinic is making Jennie drive downtown for one final estradiol level check. I guess its pretty routine by now. Her poor arms and belly are covered in needle holes. I cannot imagine having as many injections as she had undergone this month.
I will post an afternoon update if Jennie's appointment today has any news. The best news for Jennie today: no shots, no medication, nothing. Today her body is on vacation!
AFTERNOON UPDATE: Jennie's estradiol level came back today at 10,245. She has been told to eat nothing but protein-rich foods and drink lots of Gatorade to avoid any issues.
LINK OF THE DAY: How do they get those blasted eggs?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Today, the clinic is making Jennie drive downtown for one final estradiol level check. I guess its pretty routine by now. Her poor arms and belly are covered in needle holes. I cannot imagine having as many injections as she had undergone this month.
I will post an afternoon update if Jennie's appointment today has any news. The best news for Jennie today: no shots, no medication, nothing. Today her body is on vacation!
AFTERNOON UPDATE: Jennie's estradiol level came back today at 10,245. She has been told to eat nothing but protein-rich foods and drink lots of Gatorade to avoid any issues.
LINK OF THE DAY: How do they get those blasted eggs?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 18 - Day 39 of IVF
61 eggs.
Today's ultrasound discovered over 5 dozen developed follicles in Jennie. Wow!!! She has at least 36 on her right side and at least 25 on her left with the largest being in the 27 to 28 mm range. It's now crunch time. Jennie will take her HCG injection this evening and prepare for her Wednesday morning extraction.
Less than 48 hours to go until my sperm get injected into Jennie's eggs with a microscalpel...
Depending on how the cellular division progresses, Jennie will be "implanted" with embryos on June 23rd or 25th.
I will post an afternoon update if we hear anymore news by voicemail.
AFTERNOON UPDATE: The clinic left a voicemail for Jennie with further instructions regarding Wednesday morning. Also, her estradiol level is a whopping 6,714!! She should be in some serious discomfort with those ovaries.
LINK OF THE DAY: Is Beer Healthier Than Milk?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Today's ultrasound discovered over 5 dozen developed follicles in Jennie. Wow!!! She has at least 36 on her right side and at least 25 on her left with the largest being in the 27 to 28 mm range. It's now crunch time. Jennie will take her HCG injection this evening and prepare for her Wednesday morning extraction.
Less than 48 hours to go until my sperm get injected into Jennie's eggs with a microscalpel...
Depending on how the cellular division progresses, Jennie will be "implanted" with embryos on June 23rd or 25th.
I will post an afternoon update if we hear anymore news by voicemail.
AFTERNOON UPDATE: The clinic left a voicemail for Jennie with further instructions regarding Wednesday morning. Also, her estradiol level is a whopping 6,714!! She should be in some serious discomfort with those ovaries.
LINK OF THE DAY: Is Beer Healthier Than Milk?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 17 - Day 38 of IVF
Happy Father's Day!!! Hopefully I will be celebrating this holiday next year with my own munchkins? Their gift to me would be endlessly full diapers and milk spittle...
On a lighter note, our garden is finally starting to produce tomatoes and green beans. This year we only planted six tomato plants and several rows of green beans. No green peppers, banana peppers, or jalapenos for me this year... :(
Here's a photo of our first harvest:
Yeah, I know, that's probably the smallest tomato ever. But, we have tons of big, juicy green tomatoes on the vine still growing.
Enjoy what's left of your weekend! I will post the results of Jennie's final ultrasound and estradiol check tomorrow.
LINK OF THE DAY: Gardening 101
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
On a lighter note, our garden is finally starting to produce tomatoes and green beans. This year we only planted six tomato plants and several rows of green beans. No green peppers, banana peppers, or jalapenos for me this year... :(
Here's a photo of our first harvest:
Yeah, I know, that's probably the smallest tomato ever. But, we have tons of big, juicy green tomatoes on the vine still growing.
Enjoy what's left of your weekend! I will post the results of Jennie's final ultrasound and estradiol check tomorrow.
LINK OF THE DAY: Gardening 101
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 16 - Day 37 of IVF
Jennie's 8am appointment went well this morning. We will be provided with her estradiol level later this afternoon via voicemail. Jennie's eggs are still coming along great (between 15 and 18mm in size). Dr.Weitzman performed the ultrasound today. I suppose since she is getting VERY close to extraction day, he wanted to see firsthand how she is progressing. He was very complementary and said she could even be an egg donor in the future (as her body seems to be handling all the medications without difficulty). In our voicemail this afternoon, the doctor will give us the next ultrasound and/or extraction date.
Wow! It's hard to believe that our IVF month will be complete in less than 20 days.
If I learn anything else exciting today, I will update...
AFTERNOON UPDATE: Jennie's dosages will continue to go down over the next 2-3 days. In IVF, this is called "coasting". The eggs will continue maturing, but her estradiol level will not peak at dangerous levels. Jennie's estradiol level came back today at 2,815. The doctor's voicemail said her egg extraction will be scheduled for this coming Wednesday morning with a final ultrasound & E2 check on Monday morning. Jennie will take an HCG shot Monday evening and no medications on Tuesday.
LINK OF THE DAY: The World's Largest Moist Towelette Collection
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Wow! It's hard to believe that our IVF month will be complete in less than 20 days.
If I learn anything else exciting today, I will update...
AFTERNOON UPDATE: Jennie's dosages will continue to go down over the next 2-3 days. In IVF, this is called "coasting". The eggs will continue maturing, but her estradiol level will not peak at dangerous levels. Jennie's estradiol level came back today at 2,815. The doctor's voicemail said her egg extraction will be scheduled for this coming Wednesday morning with a final ultrasound & E2 check on Monday morning. Jennie will take an HCG shot Monday evening and no medications on Tuesday.
LINK OF THE DAY: The World's Largest Moist Towelette Collection
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 15 - Day 36 of IVF
Well, this is a HUGE day! The IVF nurse is supposed to provide us with more concrete results today. Depending on the progression of Jennie's eggs, we should have a better idea of how to proceed next week.
I will have an afternoon update around 3pm to provide any news from Jennie's appointment today.
AFTERNOON UPDATE: It's almost 4pm and I have not spoken to Jennie yet. She did leave me a voicemail about half an hour ago saying she was exhausted and was going to take a nap. She mentioned her estradiol level is over 1000 and that she has another ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow! I will report more when I get home...
EVENING UPDATE: Sorry for the late update, but I decided to join Jennie for a nap when I got home from work. After a hard week at work, nothing says relaxation like a peaceful nap. I woke up to the sound of the food processor and the heavenly smell of toasted cheese. Jennie was making fresh Gazpacho and some Grilled Garlic & Cheese sandwiches. After I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, we watched a movie and honestly, the last thing on my mind was getting on the old computer. But, here's the latest info: Jennie has between 6 - 10 follicles on her right ovary and at least 3 - 4 on her left ovary that are progressing nicely. We are guessing that her eggs will be harvested no later than Tuesday, but we should know after tomorrow's appointment.
LINK OF THE DAY: Bizarre websites on
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
I will have an afternoon update around 3pm to provide any news from Jennie's appointment today.
AFTERNOON UPDATE: It's almost 4pm and I have not spoken to Jennie yet. She did leave me a voicemail about half an hour ago saying she was exhausted and was going to take a nap. She mentioned her estradiol level is over 1000 and that she has another ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow! I will report more when I get home...
EVENING UPDATE: Sorry for the late update, but I decided to join Jennie for a nap when I got home from work. After a hard week at work, nothing says relaxation like a peaceful nap. I woke up to the sound of the food processor and the heavenly smell of toasted cheese. Jennie was making fresh Gazpacho and some Grilled Garlic & Cheese sandwiches. After I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, we watched a movie and honestly, the last thing on my mind was getting on the old computer. But, here's the latest info: Jennie has between 6 - 10 follicles on her right ovary and at least 3 - 4 on her left ovary that are progressing nicely. We are guessing that her eggs will be harvested no later than Tuesday, but we should know after tomorrow's appointment.
LINK OF THE DAY: Bizarre websites on
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 14 - Day 35 of IVF
Happy Flag Day! Most people seem unaware that today is a holiday -- to be technical, it is a federal observance and not a federal holiday (day off with pay). :)
Wow! Five weeks have passed. And yet, Jennie & I have only completed two thirds of the 56 day "IVF month". Jennie and I are trying to be cautiously optimistic -- everything seems to be moving along almost too good to be true.
Nothing new to report today. Jennie will learn more about her follicle development tomorrow. Just another typical blood draw, ultrasound, and estradiol level check.
Tomorrow and Monday should be Jennie's final pre-"egg retrieval" appointments. By Friday afternoon, we hope to know more details from the doctor.
LINK OF THE DAY: The ultimate Loch Ness Monster website
HONORABLE MENTION: Would landfill ice cream offend you?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Wow! Five weeks have passed. And yet, Jennie & I have only completed two thirds of the 56 day "IVF month". Jennie and I are trying to be cautiously optimistic -- everything seems to be moving along almost too good to be true.
Nothing new to report today. Jennie will learn more about her follicle development tomorrow. Just another typical blood draw, ultrasound, and estradiol level check.
Tomorrow and Monday should be Jennie's final pre-"egg retrieval" appointments. By Friday afternoon, we hope to know more details from the doctor.
LINK OF THE DAY: The ultimate Loch Ness Monster website
HONORABLE MENTION: Would landfill ice cream offend you?
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 13 - Day 34 of IVF
This morning Jennie will be having an ultrasound and an estradiol level check at 9:30am CST. She will find out the test results around 2 - 3 pm.
I will update today's entry at that time...
3pm UPDATE: I just got off the phone with Jennie. She said the nurse seemed pleased with today's results. Her estradiol level has risen from 72 to over 700 in a week! I have no idea what that means in English, but the nurse did say that some of Jennie's eggs were maturing a little fast. After this Friday's ultrasound, we should have a better idea of when "egg extraction day" will occur. The nurse instructed Jennie to cut back on her FSH dosage until Friday. We are interpreting that to mean she is progressing well enough. Keep us in your thoughts and stuff...
LINK OF THE DAY: Geography of Seinfeld
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
I will update today's entry at that time...
3pm UPDATE: I just got off the phone with Jennie. She said the nurse seemed pleased with today's results. Her estradiol level has risen from 72 to over 700 in a week! I have no idea what that means in English, but the nurse did say that some of Jennie's eggs were maturing a little fast. After this Friday's ultrasound, we should have a better idea of when "egg extraction day" will occur. The nurse instructed Jennie to cut back on her FSH dosage until Friday. We are interpreting that to mean she is progressing well enough. Keep us in your thoughts and stuff...
LINK OF THE DAY: Geography of Seinfeld
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 12 - Day 33 of IVF
Tomorrow's appointment begins one of the five remaining hurdles. Jennie reminded me last night that she has to have at least five fully matured (hyper stimulated) follicles by the end of the week or we are canceled. I really don't think it should be a problem as she had over ten follicles per ovary developing at her last ultrasound. But, it's always a risk to consider.
If all goes well, a week from tomorrow will be egg retrieval day! Wow, I can't believe it is almost time to create a Petri dish human being... Please cross your fingers and toes for us.
LINK OF THE DAY: Largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island
If all goes well, a week from tomorrow will be egg retrieval day! Wow, I can't believe it is almost time to create a Petri dish human being... Please cross your fingers and toes for us.
LINK OF THE DAY: Largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island
June 11 - Day 32 of IVF
Jennie's next ultrasound and estradiol (ESS-truh-DYE-awl) level check appointments are Wednesday and Friday of this week. I'm anxious to see how her egg production is coming along. Last night we had a nice dinner at home and watched a movie together. We tried a new recipe -- Jennie made some fresh Pesto using basil from our garden and stuffed a couple of steaks with it for me to grill. Yummy... it was different, but tasty. And served along with a salad, it was very filling.
LINK OF THE DAY: What is Pesto, you say?
1 cup firmly packed fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup pine nuts
2 cloves garlic
1/4 to 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
salt to taste
Add all ingredients except olive oil and salt to food processor or blender. Once you begin mincing the ingredients, stream in olive oil. Mix to desired consistency. Add salt to taste.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
LINK OF THE DAY: What is Pesto, you say?
1 cup firmly packed fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup pine nuts
2 cloves garlic
1/4 to 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
salt to taste
Add all ingredients except olive oil and salt to food processor or blender. Once you begin mincing the ingredients, stream in olive oil. Mix to desired consistency. Add salt to taste.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 10 - Day 31 of IVF
Well, I just finished moving everything back into our garage. It is certainly dry enough to walk on, but the instructions say not to park on it for at least 7 days. At sunrise, slave driver Jennie cracked the whip on me to get everything back in the garage ASAP -- as our front porch was starting to look like Sanford-and-Son. She's now unable to lift or push anything over 10 pounds, but she makes a great foreman sitting in her director's chair.
We got home pretty late last night after spending a nice evening visiting our friends Kevin & Kim (and two other couples). Summer barbecues are always a fun way to unwind and enjoy each other's company. Promptly at 6:30pm, Jennie was nonchalant about giving herself an FSH injection in mid-conversation with Kim, Heather, and me. In fact, Jennie was finished giving herself the shot before they even realized what she was doing. Quick, painless, and efficient.
I guess I better get outside and mow the backyard before Master Jennie catches me at the old 'puter...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
We got home pretty late last night after spending a nice evening visiting our friends Kevin & Kim (and two other couples). Summer barbecues are always a fun way to unwind and enjoy each other's company. Promptly at 6:30pm, Jennie was nonchalant about giving herself an FSH injection in mid-conversation with Kim, Heather, and me. In fact, Jennie was finished giving herself the shot before they even realized what she was doing. Quick, painless, and efficient.
I guess I better get outside and mow the backyard before Master Jennie catches me at the old 'puter...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 9 - Day 30 of IVF
I woke this morning to the unpleasant sound of the alarm clock beeping at 6 o'clock. Each time I hear the alarm buzz now, I immediately think, "time for your injections, Jennie!".
Today is the first multiple injection day for Jennie. She began with the old, familiar Lupron -- no big deal. Then, she unwrapped a huge mixing needle to draw up 1cc of diluent (saline) to mix with two vials of Bravelle FSH (in powder form). After it was all mixed in one vial, she placed a smaller, subcutaneous needle on the syringe for the injection. She said this new injection stings a bit more than Lupron as its needle is a much thicker gauge. Whoosh, she jammed the needle into her belly. Ouch! I thought... she pushed the plunger and all done. Quickly, efficiently, and yep, just like a professional drug user. :)
My wife, the female hormone druggie, is now well on her way to ovarian hyper stimulation. Her ovaries will now grow 3 to 4 times the normal size of an average female ovary. That sounds painful, doesn't it?
Anyhoo, we are going to finish up the garage painting this morning before we have to leave for a party at 3pm.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Today is the first multiple injection day for Jennie. She began with the old, familiar Lupron -- no big deal. Then, she unwrapped a huge mixing needle to draw up 1cc of diluent (saline) to mix with two vials of Bravelle FSH (in powder form). After it was all mixed in one vial, she placed a smaller, subcutaneous needle on the syringe for the injection. She said this new injection stings a bit more than Lupron as its needle is a much thicker gauge. Whoosh, she jammed the needle into her belly. Ouch! I thought... she pushed the plunger and all done. Quickly, efficiently, and yep, just like a professional drug user. :)
My wife, the female hormone druggie, is now well on her way to ovarian hyper stimulation. Her ovaries will now grow 3 to 4 times the normal size of an average female ovary. That sounds painful, doesn't it?
Anyhoo, we are going to finish up the garage painting this morning before we have to leave for a party at 3pm.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 8 - Day 29 of IVF
We began another home improvement project last night around 6pm. Oh boy, my arms are stiff and back is sore this morning! We spent the evening applying degreaser, scrubbing the floor repeatedly, and rinsing our garage. Yep, we are applying an Epoxy Shield Garage Floor Paint with specks and anti-slip powder. Once Jennie saw the way our friends (Mike & Tori) had painted their garage floor, she was hooked! I could see in her eyes right away that it would be a future project for us...
Yesterday, we were given approximations that Jennie would either have 3 embryos implanted on June 23rd or 2 embryos implanted on June 25th. It depends on how the harvested eggs react to their environment after the cellular division begins. This is also loosely based on a June 20th egg retrieval date. If all goes well, I could realistically have a family size of 5 (including Jennie & me) in less than a year. Oh brother, can you imagine all of those diapers?
LINK OF THE DAY: This is the Garage Floor paint we are using...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Yesterday, we were given approximations that Jennie would either have 3 embryos implanted on June 23rd or 2 embryos implanted on June 25th. It depends on how the harvested eggs react to their environment after the cellular division begins. This is also loosely based on a June 20th egg retrieval date. If all goes well, I could realistically have a family size of 5 (including Jennie & me) in less than a year. Oh brother, can you imagine all of those diapers?
LINK OF THE DAY: This is the Garage Floor paint we are using...
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 7 - Day 28 of IVF
Good news! We just got back from Jennie's appointment. The ultrasonographer discovered 10+ follicles per ovary, her estradiol level shows that she is adequately suppressed, and her cervix is easily visualized. All is well...
Her Lupron dosage decreases from 10 to 5 units immediately and she will begin daily Bravelle (FSH) injections twice per day this weekend. Jennie's 10 lb weight-lifting restriction begins Saturday. Oh well, I guess she better get busy cleaning the house... :) just kidding. After Saturday morning, I will be slave boy DaveyWavey (i.e., vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes, etc).
On a lighter note, I nearly fainted a couple of times today. It was not blood sugar related at all, but rather onset by viewing pictures and hearing the doctor speak of cervical / vaginal / uterine activity. I could never be a gynecologist -- I would continually faint on the patients while looking at their "innards"! hehehe
LINK OF THE DAY: Vasovagal Syncope (Fainting at the Doctor's Office)
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Her Lupron dosage decreases from 10 to 5 units immediately and she will begin daily Bravelle (FSH) injections twice per day this weekend. Jennie's 10 lb weight-lifting restriction begins Saturday. Oh well, I guess she better get busy cleaning the house... :) just kidding. After Saturday morning, I will be slave boy DaveyWavey (i.e., vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes, etc).
On a lighter note, I nearly fainted a couple of times today. It was not blood sugar related at all, but rather onset by viewing pictures and hearing the doctor speak of cervical / vaginal / uterine activity. I could never be a gynecologist -- I would continually faint on the patients while looking at their "innards"! hehehe
LINK OF THE DAY: Vasovagal Syncope (Fainting at the Doctor's Office)
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 6 - Day 27 of IVF
Sorry for "beating a dead horse", but tomorrow is Jennie's first of many big appointments. While we are nearly half way through the IVF month, it sure does seem to be taking a LONG time. Jennie has not been sleeping well -- partly due to anxiousness and keeping busy. She has been exhibiting the side-efffect of "nesting syndrome" the last week to 10 days. Instead of sitting down for any length of time, Jennie is constantly cleaning the house, reorganizing stuff she just organized, and throwing away old junk (i.e., making room for new junk).
As you can see here, Maggie is enjoying the warm weather. She never misses an opportunity to chase the visiting birds. Our little princess will be celebrating her 9th birthday (63 in dog years) on July 2nd.
LINK OF THE DAY : Local businesses to finally support the Predators?
As you can see here, Maggie is enjoying the warm weather. She never misses an opportunity to chase the visiting birds. Our little princess will be celebrating her 9th birthday (63 in dog years) on July 2nd.
LINK OF THE DAY : Local businesses to finally support the Predators?
June 5 - Day 26 of IVF
Well, two more days until Jennie's first of many appointments at Nashville Fertility Center (NFC). While attending a baby shower last night, Jennie spoke to one of her co-workers that went through the IVF procedure. She told Jennie that I would be bored out of my gourd on Thursday, but I do get to miss work for the day! And that is always a plus!
Once again, I don't have anything new to report. Jennie is doing well. She is still giving herself 10 units of Lupron every morning a 6:30 am via syringe in the gut. Ouch!
LINK OF THE DAY: Very Strange News
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Once again, I don't have anything new to report. Jennie is doing well. She is still giving herself 10 units of Lupron every morning a 6:30 am via syringe in the gut. Ouch!
LINK OF THE DAY: Very Strange News
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 4 - Day 25 of IVF
Well, let's see... what's new? Jennie is still giving herself 10 units of Lupron every morning and she's really not displaying any side effects (knock on my cranium). I suppose we will know more about her "innards" in 3 days. :)
This should be a fun week at work for me -- it's Employee Appreciation week! We get to wear jeans & t-shirts everyday and eat company-provided junk food. Hey, what could be better?
Since I absentmindedly forgot yesterday's LINK OF THE DAY, I will have 3 today.
(1)Ars Technica: Terrific reference for all that is technical!
(2)Halfass blog: Grammar & Words
(3)10 flagrant grammar mistakes that make you look stupid
This should be a fun week at work for me -- it's Employee Appreciation week! We get to wear jeans & t-shirts everyday and eat company-provided junk food. Hey, what could be better?
Since I absentmindedly forgot yesterday's LINK OF THE DAY, I will have 3 today.
(1)Ars Technica: Terrific reference for all that is technical!
(2)Halfass blog: Grammar & Words
(3)10 flagrant grammar mistakes that make you look stupid
June 3 - Day 24 of IVF
Today was Jennie's last day of Desogen. Only 4 days until Jennie's Suppression Check and Trial Embryo Transfer. Yeah...
We spent most of the day cleaning out our basement today. I installed a couple of new GFCI electrical outlets and helped Jennie organize all of our basement stuff.
Nothing terribly exciting to report today, I suppose.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
We spent most of the day cleaning out our basement today. I installed a couple of new GFCI electrical outlets and helped Jennie organize all of our basement stuff.
Nothing terribly exciting to report today, I suppose.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 2 - Day 23 of IVF
Happy Birthday to Barry (my father-in-law)! Jennie & I will spend the day with her parents celebrating her father's "very-close-to-retirement" birthday. I won't give away his age, but he was born in 1944. ;)
First, we are going to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie this afternoon and then we will enjoy some authentic Chinese cooking. Game 3 of the Stanley Cup finals comes on NBC at 7pm. This should be a great day!
Last night, Jennie & I watched the Pirates of the Caribbean (part 2 of 3) to catch up for today's movie. Jennie stayed up late playing on the internet and I fell asleep. I wonder if something is wrong with me -- I slept 13 hours! I get up everyday at 5am for work and usually average between 4 and 5 hours of sleep per night. Oh well, my sleep bank (as Jennie calls it) is now overflowing and ready for some withdrawals!
Enjoy the weekend and I will post some photos next week.
LINK OF THE DAY: Ode to Jennie's Dad - Events of 1944
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
First, we are going to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie this afternoon and then we will enjoy some authentic Chinese cooking. Game 3 of the Stanley Cup finals comes on NBC at 7pm. This should be a great day!
Last night, Jennie & I watched the Pirates of the Caribbean (part 2 of 3) to catch up for today's movie. Jennie stayed up late playing on the internet and I fell asleep. I wonder if something is wrong with me -- I slept 13 hours! I get up everyday at 5am for work and usually average between 4 and 5 hours of sleep per night. Oh well, my sleep bank (as Jennie calls it) is now overflowing and ready for some withdrawals!
Enjoy the weekend and I will post some photos next week.
LINK OF THE DAY: Ode to Jennie's Dad - Events of 1944
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
June 1 - Day 22 of IVF
Jennie & I spent a relaxing evening together at home last night. While eating supper, we watched the DVD movie "Blood Diamond" starring Leonardo DiCaprio -- it was a little violent, but a good flick overall. Wearing my Ebert & Siskel hat, I would give it a thumbs up.
Preparing for a co-worker's baby shower, Jennie spent the latter part of the evening making a diaper cake. I had never heard of one, but it seems like a great way to give diapers! I'm attaching a photo of her masterpiece below.
Click on the photo for a larger version.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
Preparing for a co-worker's baby shower, Jennie spent the latter part of the evening making a diaper cake. I had never heard of one, but it seems like a great way to give diapers! I'm attaching a photo of her masterpiece below.
Click on the photo for a larger version.
Until tomorrow,
Dave T.
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