
June 17 - Day 38 of IVF

Happy Father's Day!!! Hopefully I will be celebrating this holiday next year with my own munchkins? Their gift to me would be endlessly full diapers and milk spittle...

On a lighter note, our garden is finally starting to produce tomatoes and green beans. This year we only planted six tomato plants and several rows of green beans. No green peppers, banana peppers, or jalapenos for me this year... :(

Here's a photo of our first harvest:

Yeah, I know, that's probably the smallest tomato ever. But, we have tons of big, juicy green tomatoes on the vine still growing.

Enjoy what's left of your weekend! I will post the results of Jennie's final ultrasound and estradiol check tomorrow.

LINK OF THE DAY: Gardening 101

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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