
June 28 - Day 49 of IVF

Jennie's progesterone level needed to be 30 or greater yesterday to be considered good. Well, we received a voicemail around 3pm from an IVF nurse and Jennie's level was over 80! :) Great news!

We are not sure of the exact dates for Jennie's upcoming pregnancy tests (also known as beta hCG level blood tests). Originally, the tests were scheduled for next Thursday and Saturday, but the nurse told us that they try to do the lab work for beta hCG on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (not available on Saturday). But, next Wednesday is the 4th of July, uggh! Since the facility is partially open on July 4th, there should be no problem, right?

So, as of now, we really have no clue when her pregnancy test(s) will occur, but we do know it *should* either be: Thursday, July 5th and Monday, July 9th OR Wednesday, July 4th and Friday, July 6th of next week. Jennie will probably touch base with her IVF nurse today...

Otherwise, everything is still peachy. For the next week, I will continue to give Jennie a 1cc progesterone shot in her rump at 7pm each night. We will switch to Crinone after she passes her pregnancy tests.

LINK OF THE DAY: You can drink FREE if you dress like a cow OR moo on your birthday!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


Colonialhead said...

Congrats on the elevated Progesterone levels! Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited!!!! You know who you need to be talking to Dave and it ain't Mother Nature, it's the Big Man upstairs. Through him any and everything is possible. Love you both. MOM

Anonymous said...

I am excited for you both! Take care! Can't wait to read the next update!