
July 15

What a busy weekend! We spent the afternoon with some friends in Clarksville (Bill and Erica) yesterday. They graciously sent us home with a bunch of goodies (baby swing, crib and mattress, bassinet, etc).

I spent this morning putting together a baby crib. If we do have twins, our front guest room is going to be VERY crowded. Jennie and I created an baby registry, but still need to go through and select items we need. I guess it's safe to say we need one of just about everything... :)

Tonight, we are meeting some friends (Mike and Tori) for a movie and a snack. I'm not yet sure how we will give Jennie her progesterone, but we will figure something out.

LINK OF THE DAY: 3-D Virtual Chinese Painting...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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