
July 6 - Day 57 of IVF

Today is the day of truth...

I will have updates throughout the day.

MID-DAY UPDATE: 11:07 AM CST Jennie's beta hCG level came back at a 110!!!! She is very PREGNANT! The nurse said a level of 50 or greater is positive and less than 50 would be iffy. Now, not putting the cart before the horse, we still have to continue having more tests over the next week or so.

Wow! I called Jennie at work immediately and I could tell she was dancing a jig... She goes back Monday for pregnancy test number 2 of 3. I cannot tell you how relieved we are; so many doubts and negative thoughts have passed through our minds the past few days. Granted, it is still early and we should not get too excited, but I have never had this feeling of elation in my entire life! I pray to God that we can bring a healthy, happy life or two or three into the world...


LINK OF THE DAY: Stuff You Can Use...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


Anonymous said...

I'm so VERY happy for you both!!! That is wonderful news indeed.

Anonymous said...

Great news! That is wonderful!
Take care you guys!

Colonialhead said...

Dave that just AWESOME!!! Tori and I are so happy and relieved for you guys. We know that this must have been the toughest couple of days you guys ever had. We will continue to pray and send positive thoughts your way so that the coming days go off without a hitch.


Mike & Tori

Anonymous said...

Jennie and Dave - Congratulations to both of you! How exciting! My husband Carlos and I are expecting our first child in early November so our "second cousins" will be practically the same age. Hope all continues to go well with the pregnancy.

Cousin Allison