
August 26

Back from Memphis!

It's nice to be home after 3 days of visiting Graceland, the Peabody Ducks, and eating tons of good barbecue while listening to live Blues music.

Following last Friday's appointment, Jennie and I hit the road for the land of Elvis. Our hotel was just off of Beale Street in the heart of downtown. A few welcome drops of rain fell Saturday afternoon as we were leaving Graceland; otherwise, it was mildly hot with a nice breeze. We were so exhausted Friday night, we drifted off to sleep around 8:30pm. Last night, we fought off sleep until 10pm (God, we're getting old). I now feel fully refreshed and completely re-energized. Jennie is taking a nap as I type...

LINK OF THE DAY: Here's a guy we saw perform last night...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

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