
August 22 ( 11 weeks pregnant )

Tomorrow marks my 10th year wedding anniversary with Jennie. When a girl says, "really, don't get me a gift", should that be translated into "hey buster, you better get me a really special gift!" ? hehe :)

I suppose Friday's appointment with Jennie's new OBGYN is simply a routine "getting-to-know-you" visit. No ultrasounds will be performed this week, unfortunately. In fact, I honestly have no clue when the next one will take place. I know that gender can be determined between weeks 15 and 20, so I imagine Jennie will have at least one during that window.

Quick question: I am actively looking for a new blog "template" background. Leave a quick comment (anonymously if you prefer) and let me know if you prefer a dark color scheme or if the light colors are easier on your eyes...

Enjoy your hump day!

LINK OF THE DAY: Spread the love for DVR...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


Anonymous said...

Don't go too dark. I think I like lighter.

Anonymous said...

dark colors

Anonymous said...

give us an even mixture of dark and light colors.