
December 31

Happy New Year's Eve!

Saturday was fairly uneventful -- lots of sleep, lots of TV. As Jennie's pregnancy quickly approaches 30 weeks, naps are becoming a mandatory daily occurrence. In fact, I enjoy them every bit as much as Jennie. Our puppy dog, Maggie, seems a little confused at our odd sleep patterns, but she rarely dismisses a chance to snooze either.

Jennie and I spent several hours yesterday shopping for a new living room area rug. Our five year old Pier 1 (shag design, made from Iranian jute) area rug was becoming terribly dusty, hard to vacuum, and not baby-friendly. After much deliberation, we selected a simple, yet attractive 11 foot by 8 foot rug from Home Depot.

Barring any US Postal Service hiccups, my Nintendo Wii should arrive today! The included Wii Sports disc comes with several exciting flavors: bowling, tennis, baseball, golf, and boxing. Several co-workers of mine told me that you really can lose weight playing the Wii, but I will have to see it to believe it. I suppose we will retire our old XBox to the bedroom.

Enjoy your New Year's celebration tonight! Be safe...

LINK OF THE DAY: Extreme Comics

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 28

Today is my father's 39th birthday! As he was born in 1945, this marks the 23rd annual celebration of his 39th trip around the sun. It's funny how no one in my entire family ages beyond 39!

Last night Jennie and I attended an exciting hockey game. The Predators scored the game winning goal with approximately a minute and a half left to go in the match. With each passing game, Jennie is finding it more difficult to fit in the arena seats without overlapping into my chair. Luckily, last night was not a sellout, so we could stretch out a bit (with no one on either side of us).

Random anecdote:
Several weeks ago, a large group of suit-wearing, middle-aged businessmen sat behind Jennie and me at a Predators game. At first, I was able to successfully "tune them out" as they chatted non-stop. While fidgeting and fumbling their concesssion items amongst themselves (e.g., "Hey Bob, pass me some peanuts, will you?", "Sure, Joe, why don't you help me eat these chili cheese nachos? Paw out a few...", "I just bought Neil Diamond's greatest hits on CD for my new Hummer!", "Why, Frank, I dropped some hot dog toppings in your beer! Sorry about that", "Jo Ann and I are shopping for a new vacation home in the mountains.", etc, etc), they basically did everything except watch the sport in front of them. Jennie pointed out a strange observation. She whispered, "Notice how one will say something like 'Hot Dog' and at least five others will repeat it quickly like a bunch of parrots."

So, now when we see people talking excessively during the game, or God forbid, sending endless text messages instead of watching the game, we look at each other and repeatedly say, "HOT DOG!" hehehe

Inside jokes are great.

Hot Dog!

LINK OF THE DAY: Headquarters for all the pranks and gag gifts you desire...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 27

Our little butternut squash is still kicking up a storm. Jennie's increasing heartburn, gas pains, ankle swelling, and overall discomfort is a great sign of a healthy baby. According to, Daphne should tip the scales at three pounds this week. With approximately 54 to 75 days remaining, we are now in the home stretch!

Do you have big plans for New Years Eve? Jennie and I will probably imitate slugs and lay around the house...

LINK OF THE DAY: Poverty-stricken Paris to lose 97% of her future inheritance...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 26 ( 29 weeks pregnant )

Happy Boxing Day! Most of us living in non-Commonwealth countries are under the illusion that boxing day is the time each year where George Foreman fights Evander Holyfield for the Heavyweight Belt. hehehe Apparently, not so. Instead, this day allows folks to take advantage of all the after Christmas sales. And, it accommodates those who need to return three fondue pots, two curling irons, and a partridge in a pear tree.

Did you get lots of goodies for Christmas?

Jennie and I began the morning with a nice, simple breakfast in our pajamas. As Jennie took her final bite of a cinnamon roll, I darted to the Christmas tree, focused on handing out all the gifts. I stacked each present, carefully sorting them by sizes, on the coffee table in front of the couch. We tore into the wrapping paper like children with grins on our faces. Whatever could be in these boxes, I thought?

It was a successful day! When you receive a higher ratio of fun stuff (games, tools, gadgets, and electronics) to clothing, you have a satisfying day to remember!

How did Santa Claus know that Daphne wanted a Nintendo Wii? She will have fun with it for years to come...

LINK OF THE DAY: So, you got a new computer from Santa, eh?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 25

Merry Christmas!

As you might have noticed, I *temporarily* removed all of the ads and banners from this blog. They were causing Internet Explorer 7 to blow up while loading.

Oh well, I hope you have a wonderful day!

Jennie and I are about to go eat Christmas dinner with her parents.

EVENING UPDATE: Jennie's parents came over and cooked a delicious 5 lb Prime Rib. Yummy... As an accoutrement to the main course, we each enjoyed a house salad, glazed honey carrots, mashed potatoes swimming in prime rib gravy, and a homemade, maple ginger cake for dessert. My diet begins next week! :)

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 24

As I sit here at work, I thought I would share a long time favorite recipe of mine with you. While it is certainly sweet enough to be a dessert, I usually serve it with Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Leave a comment and let me know if you have good results making it for your family...

Jennie and I are both working a full day today (yuck). But, so far, so good. It has been an unusually, quiet morning. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Drum roll please....

Sweet Potato Casserole

1 large can of Sweet Potatoes drained and smashed *
1/2 Cup milk
1/2 stick Butter/margarine (4 tsp)
1 tsp Vanilla
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
2 eggs

Mix the ingredients above together in a bowl. Pour mixture into a greased baking dish.

In separate bowl, mix the following ingredients:
(This is the topping)

1 Cup Brown Sugar packed
1/3 Cup Flour
1 Cup chopped pecans
1/2 stick melted butter/margarine (4 tsp)

Sprinkle the topping evenly over casserole. This even layer should fully cover the casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes, until topping is nice and brown.

* NOTE: Try to avoid the can of Sweet Potatoes in "Heavy Syrup". This recipe is already "sweet" enough! hehehe If you cannot find the non-Heavy Syrup variety, be sure to rinse them well in a colander and drain completely.

One year I forgot to drain the sweet potatoes AND I used the Heavy Syrup variety! Oh Lord, they were not only soupy, but face scrunchingly sweet. Not a good way to win over family and friends (unless they are sugar-aholics).

LINK OF THE DAY: A whole, lotta shopping goin' on...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 23

Merry Christmas Eve's Eve...

I hope Santa Claus brings you many goodies! Jennie and I will be staying home for the holidays (reading and playing games). I doubt we will make anything elaborate for our Christmas meal. This year we are going to keep it simple...

Ho ho ho.

Tennessee Flower Pot

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 21

Just a few more days until Christmas! You have only four shopping days left to buy that perfect gift (a deluxe, heated toilet seat made from the finest splinter-free cedar, or that autographed by Emeril set of Ginzu knives you have been admiring, or even that must-have 1.75 liter bottle of aged Ouzo with golden flakes). hehehe

My favorite Christmas present (Daphne) arrives in March 2008 from the stork. This little, perfect gift comes with no assembly required and no batteries necessary. But, she will graciously produce 10 to 12 dirty diapers per day! And, for no additional charge, she will come with an unpredictably high pitched, 100+ decibel cry. Jennie and I are anxiously excited to experience the sleepless nights of colic and teething.

Yesterday, Jennie had a routine (28 weeks) doctor visit. Everything is fine and dandy. No ultrasound was performed, so I will continue to proudly display the last photo I have of Daphne on my desk at work from the October 25th visit (20 weeks). The doctor listened to Daphne's heartbeat with a monitor and answered a few questions. Jennie should find out the results of her hemoglobin test today. Being borderline anemic, Jennie has been taking extra iron supplements since the week 24 visit.

MORNING UPDATE: 9:35am CST Jennie's lab results just came back. A few weeks ago, her initial hemoglobin was a 10. The normal range begins at 11 (so they determined her iron was a little low -- borderline anemia). Her supplement boosted her value to 10.6, so she's still a wee bit low. The doctor is not terribly worried, but Jennie will continue taking the extra iron pills. And, I can see more red meat (steaks, etc) in her future!

Jennie's next doctor appointments will be on January 9th (31 weeks), January 23rd (33 weeks), and February 6th (35 weeks). We are signed up for a "childbirth class" at our local hospital occurring the final weekend of January.

Merry Christmas to you!

LINK OF THE DAY: Gadgets to give and receive for Christmas...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 20

If anything exciting occurs at Jennie's ultrasound today, I will post an afternoon update.

Today marks the annual Dirty Santa and Pot-luck lunch at my place of employment. It's hard to believe this is my fourth Christmas with this nationally known, auto insurance firm. Picture this scenario: a bunch of IT geeks sitting around (myself included), stuffing our faces with comfort foods while unwrapping various DVD titles and swapping until we all leave with an item we will most likely re-gift. I have learned that a DVD is a much safer return on your investment. A few folks always try to get cute and give an undesirable 4-cup coffee maker from the 1980s or a handmade, fuchsia picture frame with elbow macaroni glued around the edges. It is MUCH safer to select a DVD or a small envelope containing a gift card to Lord knows where.

Sorry for rambling, I am trying not to be discursive. Jennie has officially begun her third trimester and is doing well.

Last night I tried shining a bright flashlight all over her belly, but Daphne did not jump (as suggested). Jennie thinks maybe she has a little more "insulation" than the average pregnant lady. But, I think she is just fine.

Can I open my gifts yet?

LINK OF THE DAY: Paper Bag Sports Fan

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 19 ( 28 weeks pregnant )

Wow, 28 weeks! Can you believe it? Daphne is 70% ready to be hatched...
In a mere two and a half months or so, I will enter the vicissitude of daddyhood.

Borrowed from :
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Between 3 and 4am this morning, I heard a series of snaps and pops. I thought, "Am I nuts? I hear the sound of teeth being flossed." I casually rolled over and Jennie was propped up in bed, wide awake, and flossing her teeth in the dark. She said something to me about not being able to sleep, and I may have muttered some nonsense in my half asleep daze (which I'm sure made perfect sense to me at the time). Before I know it, my alarm is buzzing and I get up for work at 5:15am. And what do you know, Jennie is fast asleep.


LINK OF THE DAY: Technology news and info for the traveller

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 18

Jennie has yet another Babies R Us seminar this evening after work. I have already committed to curling up on the couch and reading my sixth Harlan Coben book. I am constantly going through phases (two years ago it was assembling 3000+ piece jigsaw puzzles, last year it was tiling floors, and a few years ago, it was gardening & botany, and now, my latest fad is reading serial killer novels). I guess there are worse hobbies? I still find time to manage several fantasy hockey leagues and keep up with the latest hi-tech, computer gadgets. It seems the more you do, the more you are capable of doing.

Oh well, I have rambled on enough for today. Daphne is still kicking up a storm inside of Jennie's tummy.

My work is having a dirty Santa party and a pot-luck lunch Thursday. Hopefully, I will have new ultrasound photos to post after Jennie's doctor visit.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 17

I woke up today to no accumulation of snow. Our local news channels went on and on last week how we were to get snow this past weekend. Nope, nada. But, it did frost outside and poke down to the low 20's. I suppose the ground was too warm for anything substantial to stick anyway. Maybe we will see some flurries around Christmas?

Jennie and I hosted a dinner party this past weekend for her parents and my Dad's significant others. Everything was made from scratch except the wine! We began with a house salad, followed by zucchini & carrot a scapece, and finally, a hearty beef and Italian sausage lasagna with garlic bread. As Jennie treated the guests to her homemade shortbread cookies dipped in chocolate, I took care of cleaning the dishes.

Jennie's next doctor visit will be this Thursday morning.

LINK OF THE DAY: Mental Floss : feel smart again...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 14

According to, this week Daphne weighs as much as a head of cauliflower (about 2 pounds). Fully extended, she should now be nearly 14 1/2 inches long. Jennie is still suffering from occasional sciatic nerve pain. Otherwise, she is doing well.

Last night's hockey game featured a controversial disallowed goal. The referee called "intent to whistle" as he waved off the goal which would have put the Predators in the lead at the time. The final score was 2-1 in favor of Colorado. Oh well, the ref thought about blowing the whistle, so that's all that matters, right? If you think about paying your bills, is that good enough? Nope! Oh well, life goes on. The Predators have now lost 4 of their last 5 games while battling the flu bug throughout the locker room.

Enjoy your weekend!

LINK OF THE DAY: Website for obsessive gamers

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 13

Where does the time go? Days continue to fly by, one after another. Surrounded by loved ones, I hope you thoroughly enjoy the holiday season.

Last night Jennie was craving fish tacos, so I took her to Blue Coast Burrito. They produce the tastiest fish tacos in middle Tennessee! Lightly breaded fish is cut into small bites and delicately placed inside a double-wrapped corn tortilla with chopped cabbage, red onion, and a spicy, white sauce (similar to a horseradish mayo). Drizzle with the juice of a freshly squeezed lime and your mouth will be in heaven. Yummy!

After dinner, we made a quick side trip to the grocery store for two items. Nearly ninety minutes later, we concluded our shopping at 9pm with an overflowing buggy.

I reminded Jennie last night that she will be giving birth in 68 - 89 days. As Daphne routinely dances a jig on mommy's cervix and kindly punches her mid-section, I believe Jennie is anxious for that day to arrive!

My goal for tonight is to finish decorating the house and return the Christmas knick-knack boxes to the attic. Nothing terribly exciting.

AFTERNOON UPDATE: Well, it appears that Jennie and I will be attending the Predators game tonight. Our good friends, Bill and Erica, have a sick child, so we are tagging along with Bill (as Erica nurses Ella back to good health). Hopefully, Nashville can put the biscuit in the basket and achieve a victory against the Colorado Avalanche.

Merry Christmas!

LINK OF THE DAY: All men are the same...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 12 ( 27 weeks pregnant )

This morning began as one of those "let's press snooze four times" type of mornings. The winter wind howling and cold rain pounding against the roof make it easier to remain in the confines of your cozy, warm bed. Oh well, off to the salt mines to feed my family. Life is good.

After some major accomplishments yesterday, I am in much better spirits at work. I must have some sort of reverse brain chemistry disorder. While most people appear to stay continually depressed, I tend to lean more towards the manic side -- happy to be alive for each and every breath. Maybe my permanent grin stems from watching Jennie's belly pouch protrude with each passing week?

Happy hump day!

Feeling smart?

LINK OF THE DAY: Will you sell your soul to Microsoft?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 11

Christmas is two weeks from today! Yikes, have you finished shopping? :)

Yesterday was a terribly frustrating day to say the least. It began like any other Monday -- a flood of emails and agents in a panic. Once PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair) becomes established, I move on with my day to more productive tasks. When I am not helping an idiot troubleshoot, I really do love developing software.

Today has been a much better day already. I try to reserve my stash of Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails here at work for the times when I feel angry, but would rather not open my mouth spewing something I will regret later. I place my noise-canceling headphones gently over my noggin' and crank the volume until I no longer remember what was bothering me. Ahh, the bliss and serenity.

Jennie's next doctor visit will be Thursday, December 20th.

LINK OF THE DAY: YouOS: the Web Operating System

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 10

Drum roll please! I am about to unveil my unborn daughter's name for those of you who do not excel at cryptograms. Ready?

We have decided on the name: Daphne Rose Tilson. Several family members have given us grief over the name (poking fun), but Jennie and I love the name. So, that is all that matters!

After a weekend filled with chores and little sleep, I must admit that I am extremely exhausted. Hey, it's great practice for the future as Daphne will have dirty diapers and will be hungry at all hours of the night, right? Unfortunately, I see no relaxing in the short term either. We have a hockey game tonight and a full week of cleaning the house for my Dad and step-Mom, who will visit us this coming weekend.

Have a stress free Monday!

LINK OF THE DAY: Everyone needs a meat hat!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 9

As I promptly jumped out of bed at 2am this morning, my heart pounded and adrenaline sickened my stomach. I had nightmares of oversleeping and probably grew a few new gray hairs. Jennie and I arrived at my place of employment this morning a little before 3am. To make a long story short, I upgraded a server which (for legal reasons) had to be done between 3 and 5 am on a Sunday morning. It went smoother than I expected and so far, so good. Hopefully, no more late nights at work are in store for me.

Earlier in the evening, Jennie and I attended my company's annual Christmas party. We hung around for the door prize drawings, but we left empty handed. Oh well, maybe next time. I had to surrender all of our complimentary "drink" tickets to other employees. Unfortunately, I could not risk imbibing alcohol and going to work a few hours later.

On the bright side, all of our Christmas shopping was completed this weekend! Yahoo... what a relief! Also, we bought a 7 foot, live Frasier Fir at Lowe's and decorated our house today.

LINK OF THE DAY: Need a funny shirt?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 7

Yikes! Only two more shopping weeks before Christmas! Tonight Jennie and I are planning to buy and decorate a live Christmas tree. We usually have a tree fully trimmed and the house adorned with holiday knick-knacks the weekend after Turkey Day. Once again, life happens and this year has been more busy than usual.

Keep me in your thoughts as I aimlessly sit alone in my cubicle at 3am Sunday morning. Jennie did volunteer to go with me (as I will be the only soul in an office which seats over 1000 employees), but I told her to stay home and sleep. Hopefully I can get in and finish my task in 2 to 3 hours...

Christmas shopping got you down?

Think outside the box!

LINK OF THE DAY: 14 Offbeat Clauses in Baseball Contracts...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 6

Jennie has been waking up between 2am and 4am the past few nights with awful lower leg cramps. It was so painful last night, I heard her wrapping an electric heating pad around one of her feet! Otherwise, all is well with Jennie and baby, D_phne _ose. According to, Jennie's basketball-sized uterus comports itself with our 14+ inch long, 2+ pound baby.

Speaking of the wee hours, this weekend I have to be at work for a 3am to 5am RealiTea server canister transition on Sunday morning. Yuck! Maybe I can convince my boss to let me sleep late Monday morning? And to complicate matters, my company's annual Christmas party is Saturday night... Merry Christmas to me.

Have a wonderful December 6th! Today is St.Nicholas' Day (started in 343 AD).

Are you happy to see me or is that a steel post in your pocket?

LINK OF THE DAY: Crazy Signs!

For those of you who have not already guessed our daughter's name, don't ever register to play on TV's Wheel-of-Fortune (hehehe). Here is the final clue:

D _ P H N E       _ O S E       T   I   L   S   O   N

I will reveal her name this weekend for the totally hopeless! :)

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 5 ( 26 weeks pregnant )

If you are like me, a mild panic has already set in. Yes, I am referring to Christmas shopping procrastination... (at least this year I have a valid excuse, right?) I have yet to begin any Christmas shopping for my family. Oops! Gazing into my crystal ball, I see gift cards and various online gifts in their future.

Last night Jennie attended another lengthy Babies R Us seminar on baby routines and behavior. When she got home, we examined her bag o' freebies and pamphlets. We now possess enough car sun shades and other various disposable samples with the Babies R Us logo to supply a small commune.

Our home alarm is being upgraded today with all new equipment. With a new baby coming along, we wanted the piece of mind for fire, police, and emergency protection. The existing, ten year old equipment was beginning to fail regularly -- in fact, we have had several false alarms over the past year. The last occurrence on November 9 deployed an ambulance with EMTs to our driveway while we were out to dinner. Unless my dog has grown opposable thumbs to request an ambulance, I believe the old equipment was on its last legs.

I am not Jewish, but Hanukkah begins today!

LINK OF THE DAY: Some great conspiracy theories (if you want a chuckle)

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 4

The bitter breeze and icy frost blanketing the ground this morning made me wish for a quick return to Florida.

Last night, Jennie and I assembled our brand new stroller and car seat travel system delivered by the UPS man. We owe my Dad and step-Mom Cyndee an enormous amount of gratitude for this purchase. Our daughter cannot arrive soon enough!

Here's what our new stroller and car seat look like:

For those of you who have not already guessed our daughter's name, here's another clue: (Wheel-of-Fortune style)

D _ _ H _ E       _ O S E       T   I   L   S   O   N

I will add another letter each couple of days until her name is apparent.

LINK OF THE DAY: How do you like these shoes?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


December 3

Less than 100 days to go!

Jennie is still doing well. Tying her shoes and bending over are becoming increasingly difficult with each passing day.

My Mom and Fake Dad (aka Step-Dad) took us out on their boat Saturday. The sunny, high 70's temperatures coupled with good food and drink made for a soporific afternoon in the Gulf of Mexico. Jennie napped down below in the yacht's master bedroom without getting seasick.

LINK OF THE DAY: Uncommon pics...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.

December 2

Jennie and I will be arriving back from our Florida trip soon.

For those of you who have not already guessed our daughter's name, here's another clue: (Wheel-of-Fortune style)

D _ _ H _ _       _ O S _       T   I   L   S   O   N

I will add another letter each couple of days until her name is apparent.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 30

For those of you who have not already guessed our daughter's name, here's another clue: (Wheel-of-Fortune style)

D _ _ _ _ _       _ _ S _       T   I   L   S   O   N

I will add another letter each couple of days until her name is apparent.

Yesterday, Jennie and I walked along the sandy beach, gazing out to sea, and reminisced over how we really want to settle in a warmer climate. Tennessee has been great for us, but I think we ultimately want to relocate to Florida. Maybe it is simply a pipe dream, but I have always dreamt of several fifty foot royal palm trees in my yard encompassing my imaginary, in-ground swimming pool.

Tonight, my Mom and step-Dad took Jennie and me to a great "hole in the wall" restaurant featuring live Americana music as we enjoyed hearty burgers and beer.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 28 ( 25 weeks pregnant )

Baby room photos at last...

We thought you might enjoy seeing how our junk room was transformed into a baby room.

Here is the custom valance Jennie made for the half moon window.

The century old desk after being converted to a baby changing table. Dr. Seuss and Richard Scarry books below in a bin.

Profile of the crib. You can see the wall color in the background.

Crib view: anxiously waiting for baby

This is the old armoire we renovated to add shelving.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 27

Whew! Without trying to be a kvetch, I am having one of those days where you simply cannot get caught up at work. Every time I come up for air, I get buried with another task. Oh well, I suppose job security is a good thing.

Jennie returns to the doctor in three weeks for a routine ultrasound and check up.

Not much else going on...

Oh yeah, here's a nice little teaser for you. Jennie and I have decided on our daughter's name. We are 99.9% positive that it is set in stone. The first name is 6 letters and the middle name is 4 letters. I have been patting Jennie's belly and calling the baby by her name for more than a week now. Is your curiosity making you squirm yet?

How apropos! Check out the diaper name...

LINK OF THE DAY: People are dying to leave Japan!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 26

I finished painting the baby room last night! The somniferous, blue-green color soothes and encourages sleep. I probably spent a total of 35 man hours completing the task (fixing nail pops, ridding cracks with spackle around the windows, and painting with trim detail)... photos coming soon.

While celebrating Turkey Day, my Dad and Step-Mom graciously purchased the Chicco KeyFit 30 Cortina Travel System (stroller, car seat, etc) for our baby. Jennie is ecstatic (she researched and found that Consumer Reports ranked this as the #1 travel system for babies). We received the UPS tracking number over the weekend, but delivery is scheduled for 10 to 14 days.

Jennie is continuing to grow outward and baby kicking is ever increasing!

LINK OF THE DAY: Holiday shopping can be dangerous...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 24

Jennie, the baby, and I have eaten until we nearly popped this holiday season. We visited my father and his wife (and my step-brother) for an unbelievable Thanksgiving feast! We teased our taste buds with enough food to feed a small army. The glistening, deep fried turkey met our lips with much delight. The homemade vegetable side dishes and casseroles were plentiful. We were truly grateful to get stuffed...

Yesterday, we drove up to upper, east Tennessee and visited with my Grandmother & Grandfather Chandler (my mom's folks) and I got to spend some quality time with my Grandmother Tilson (my dad's mama). Afterwards, we celebrated my Uncle Cecil's 65th birthday at the best BBQ place around, Ridgewood, in Bluff City. I cannot say enough good things about how delicious the food tasted. We capped off the evening touring the Bristol Motor Speedway's 'Speedway in Lights' show.

Jennie is doing great.

LINK OF THE DAY: Wii want to play...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 21 ( 24 weeks pregnant )

Jennie passed her Glucose Tolerance Test yesterday with flying colors! They discovered she is borderline anemic, so she was prescribed an additional iron supplement. Other than that, no worries...

Her ultrasound was routine, measurements were taken, and all appears fine.

Last night, I attended a breastfeeding class with Jennie. Wow! I never realized someone could lecture on the miracle of mammaries for an hour and forty minutes. It was educational and snacks were provided, so it was definitely worth it.

I hope everyone has a terrific gobble gobble day tomorrow! Eat more pumpkin pie...



Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 20

Jennie has a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) and a routine 24 week ultrasound (sonogram) this morning at 10am CST. I will update afterwards...

I will be attending a breastfeeding class tonight with Jennie over at our local Babies R Us store. I honestly have no idea what to expect. But, it sounds like every guy's dream, though...

LINK OF THE DAY: Should you be worried about your surroundings? Give it a try...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 19

I would guess that I have completed 98.5% of the baby room painting. For a perfectionist, the last 10% is always the hardest! I hope to complete painting the last of the trim tonight as Jennie is working late.

With each passing year, it seems my neighbors hang their Christmas lights, display their cardboard Santa sleighs, and garnish their yards with a wooden nativity scene earlier than the year prior. Thanksgiving Day has not yet passed, but icicle lights hang from nearly one third of the houses in my neighborhood.

Call me a Grinch, I suppose, but Christmas season begins (for me) the weekend AFTER Thanksgiving. You know, after all the crazy shoppers and holiday traffic consume the local malls. If it cannot be purchased at Wal-Mart or a liquor store, how good of a gift can it possibly be?

Do your neighbors display Christmas lighting from November until late February, too?

Jennie seems to be recuperating from her cold quickly. Thankfully, I avoided coming down with it.

Tomorrow is Jennie's doctor appointment.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 17

Painting the baby room is now 93% complete...

Hopefully, I should be finished tomorrow.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 16

Jennie woke up today with a sore throat and runny nose. I will make sure she takes it easy this weekend -- we need her healthy for Turkey day!

UPDATE: Jennie wanted me to correct my earlier posting error. Her grandfather did not assemble or sculpt the century old desk we are using for a baby changing table. He simply bought it during his life and probably applied some Old English to it. Hehehe, I told Jennie it sounded much more interesting to say that he made it...

Deal struck in them there hills!
Yahoo! The new Predators buyers (led by David Freeman) and the City of Nashville (Mayor Karl Dean) have finally signed an agreement to amend the arena lease. Now that step 1 (the largest hurdle) of 5 has completed, the remainder of the purchase should take less time to conclude. The next item of business (step 2) will be for the Metro Council of Nashville to approve the purchase agreement.

Why is this important? The current, lame duck owner (Craig Leipold) has invested $0 in advertising this season, trimmed payroll by gutting the team to the salary floor, cried an impecunious ballad of tears, and generally appears to have no concern for the viability of the hockey team.

I pray this town of flaneurs decides to get on board with the new ownership. It would be nice to see some new blood actually attend a few hockey games per year. Without an increasing fan base, this team will surely be relocated in three to five years.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 15

Our baby room is now 57% covered in paint... (give or take a percent)

Jennie instructed me to take my time and apply supreme perfectionism. She spent several hours behind the sewing machine yesterday creating a custom window valance and a changing table mat to be stuffed with batting. We were given a century old desk sculpted by Jennie's paternal grandfather to be used as a changing table. I will post some photos this weekend once I complete the paint job.

Tonight, I get to watch two of my favorite hockey teams play as the Chicago Black Hawks travel to Nashville. Win or lose, I hope to be entertained...


LINK OF THE DAY: Funny stuff...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 14 ( 23 weeks pregnant )

Jennie and our 23-week old mango are relaxing at home today.

Do you have one of those guest rooms that gets way too cold in the winter and way too hot in the summer? Well, that describes our baby room (or child's jail cell) to a tee -- it happens to be a scant 9 foot by 10 foot room with a 12 foot ceiling! If the dimensions were not bad enough, the irregularly, oversized front window is capped off with one of those half-moon, semi-circular jobbies at the top. So, Jennie is sewing a custom valance for our "half moon" window today (with hopes of regulating the room temperature a little better). I guess we should be happy the windows have no water or drafty air leaks, right?

Less than a week until Jennie's next doctor visit and ultrasound...

LINK OF THE DAY: Wal-Mart's $200 Personal Computer sells out quickly...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 13

Another rainy day. No complaints here, I suppose. With all the precipitation blanketing middle Tennessee over the last week, it can only mean one thing: Dave has to mow the yard again. After a chilly weekend, yesterday never dipped below the upper 50's and featured a high in the low 70's.

Jennie's parents fed us a nice meal last night as we watched the Predators on TV squeak out a 4-1 victory over the Columbus BJ's. Nashville (9-7-1) seems to be back on track only losing 2 of their last 10 games. No news on the plight of the Predators' sale -- at this point, they could still be playing elsewhere next year.

I am halfway into my fifth Harlan Coben novel with only nine to go! After years of reading the likes of Stephen King and Dean Koontz, I was ready for a change. Coben's books are fast paced, suspenseful, usually feature several deaths (not gory or overdone), and keep you on the edge of your seat to the very last page. Plot twists and serial killers are always a recipe for entertainment!

Jennie could barely get out of bed this morning. She grumbled something about "sciatic nerve" and "ouch! painful". Her lower back must be stiff from standing on her feet 8 - 10 hours at work. Either her co-workers seem to forget she is pregnant OR she's such a diligent, tireless worker that she refuses to sit and take a break every hour or so... I'm guessing the latter -- she loses track of time and forgets to rest.

Have a great November 13th!


LINK OF THE DAY: Leonard Maltin's current movie picks...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 12

Painting the baby room is now 25% complete. I will post pictures soon...

The only remaining area in our house with the original "boring, creamy white" contractor paint job is in the hallway which connects our guest rooms and guest bathroom. Several of our rooms have been painted more than once (Jennie likes to keep me busy!). In the past, Jennie and I both could knock out a room in a few hours (she freehanding the trim and me rolling the big areas). But, she is forbidden to enter the room due to pregnancy. We did, however, purchase the low VOC (low odor) Green Seal paint from Lowe's.

Enjoy your week! Just 10 days until Turkey Time... (I can smell the pumpkin pie now)

And, only 8 days until Jennie's next doctor visit.

LINK OF THE DAY: Push the Third Button Twice

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 11

Happy Veteran's Day!

Capping off my day, the Predators won in an Overtime Shootout last night. Of all the presents I received, my favorite has to be the little one growing in Jennie's belly!

Well, I better go help Jennie with the house chores...


Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 10

Not trying to toot any horns, but it's my birthday! Yep, I will write more about today's festivities later...

Have a great November 10!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 9

Last night Jennie had an allergy attack, heartburn, a splitting headache, and basically could not sleep from 2am this morning onward. As I slapped the alarm clock and crawled out of bed at 5:15am, Jennie was still surfing the web -- reading about baby stuff. She was heading off to bed when I left for work. Hopefully, she will enjoy a relaxing day of rest with limited barking from Maggie. After all, Friday IS trash day on our block and those loud, garbage-gathering, petroleum wasters taunt Maggie to bark her head off each week like clockwork. You would think after 9 years she would realize her barking affects nothing. Also, it's quite funny how we live less than two miles from a free, public dump, yet just about everyone in our neighborhood pays $50+ quarterly for trash pick up. Support your public dump! Hey, that is $200+ a year you can spend on various electronic items and miscellaneous computer hardware! Why throw away money with the trash?

On the eve of my thirty fifth year, I leave you with these niblets of wisdom:

  • "Why is it illegal to park in a handicapped parking space but it is okay to use a handicapped toilet?"

  • "Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it did not zigzag?"

  • "Whose cruel idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have a "S" in it?"

  • "If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?"

Have a superb weekend! I know I will...


LINK OF THE DAY: Need help finding something on the web? Try Google Hacks...

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 8

Jennie is doing great this week and working less (which is always a plus).

Last night, the Predators were dominated early and the situation appeared bleak (Nashville trailed 2-0 after 2 periods of play). Referees waved off two legitimate Predators goals in the first half of the game and gift wrapped a Motown victory on a silver platter (but the Predators had other plans). If there is such a thing as a "moral victory", the Predators won the battle. A sparse crowd (Detroit's poor economy used as the excuse) began to file out of the arena with several minutes to go in regulation. Amazingly enough, the Predators tied the game with 84 seconds remaining and scored twice in the last 7 1/2 minutes. Nashville goaltender, Chris Mason, played a stellar game while turning away forty plus shots. His only fault was the lackluster display in the shootout. Mason committed to the shooters too early and got burned badly by Datsyuk and Zetterberg. Detroit came away with the decision and won the match 3-2. Detroit robbed the Predators of a point, but Nashville continues to move up in the standings...


LINK OF THE DAY: What's the deal with Social Network Mania?

Have a great Thursday!

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 7 ( 22 weeks pregnant )

I would be remiss if I forgot to wish my first cousin, Lisa, a happy birthday today! I usually remember birthdays and anniversaries for my immediate family and friends, but I cannot forget Lisa's as she is almost exactly a "duck egg" (decade) older than me. While she is ten years and three days my senior, I will be a gentleman and not reveal her age! hehehe

Today is Jennie's 22nd week of pregnancy. Wow! While the days seem to be flying by now, the protrusion in Jennie's belly is growing ever so slowly. According to, our daughter is still less than a pound in weight and less than twelve inches from head to toe.

The Predators (7-7-0) hit the road tonight for their biggest test of the year. Facing the dreaded Detroit Red Wings (11-2-1), tonight's contest should be a difficult match up for Nashville. While Nashville considers Detroit a rival (due to all of the General Motors' employee transplants here in Middle Tennessee from Motown), Detroit has never considered Nashville a threat over the years. Beating the Red Wings can be compared to getting your first kiss; it is bittersweet, but you ache for more and can never get enough!

Should you proof read your child's homework?

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 6

Jennie and I continue to narrow our baby name lists. If *she* were born today, we would use a certain name (I could tell you, but I would have to kill you -- hehehe). Hopefully, we will not mutate our list too much more as I really like the name we have decided on. In 120 days or so, we will announce the name we have chosen.

While some people like to keep the baby's sex a secret until birth, we will likewise keep the birth name a secret...

Here are some names we are NOT going to use: Ethel, Buela, Helga, Mildred, Olga, and Zaira. Maybe that helps? :)

This afternoon, Jennie and her mom will trek over to Babies R Us once again to examine the stroller and car seat inventory.


Until tomorrow,
Dave T.


November 5

Well, I did not paint the baby room this weekend, but Jennie and I dressed the crib with a bedskirt, mattress cover, and a crib bumper. We still need to get a bassinet mattress and other supplies, but we have agreed to wait until after Christmas. Jennie is going to finish her research on strollers and car seats this week. I imagine she will update the registries before Friday.

Wow! Less than a week to go and I will be 35 years old! Geez, I am getting old... By the time I begin tossing a softball with my daughter, I will have one hand on a cane and one foot in the grave. hehehe


Oh well, nothing new to report. Jennie is doing fine and the baby kicks are increasing.

Until tomorrow,
Dave T.